Chapter-21 "Besties Wedding"

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Allah says in the Qur'an:

"And (remember) the Day when the wrong-doer will bite his hands and say: Woe to me! Would that I had taken a path with the Messenger. Woe to me! If only I had not taken so- and-so as a friend! He has led me astray from this Reminder (the Qur'an) after it had come to me. And Satan is ever a deserter to man in the hour of need."

(Al-Qur'an 25:27-29)

"Friends on that Day will be enemies one to another, except the righteous."

(Al-Qur'an 43:67)

14 April 2016


The Wedding

Aaisha's POV

The days went in hurry.. And finally the day arrived when Shoiab bhai and Zeba aapee will tie a knot .. The past days were exhaustive in preparation after all he is eldest of our cousin.. Oh!!! I am so happy for him ..
Everything was done and nikah was simple in masjid, then we headed to the hall where their parents organised a party , which they opposed but failed in front of their parents..
They were looking too happy , they were stealing glances of each other while entering the hallbecause finally they were married .
There was separation between men and women's section so Shoaib bhai left with all the men,and we accompanied Zeba aapee..she was taken to stage by mothers..and all young girls including Aaliya were happily squealing on stage ..
And here I was alone all alone getting bored I was fidgeting with my phone when I saw someone , I think I saw Mahira , but how??
Wait I forgot Zeba aapee is Zain's cousin it means she is Mahira's cousin too .. I totally forget this in all hustle bustle.. I examined her and she was getting bored too.. We both were in same situation .. Before i could call her or go to her she got up and went to the open ground area of hall it was almost empty as everyone was inside. suddenly a plan popped up in my mind i menatally smiled ,and tip toed from her back and closed her eyes with my hands , she got confused and tried to remove my hands from her eyes but I was stubborn too , finally I gave in and her expressions after seeing me were hilarious..

"Assalamualaikum Mahira .. " I greeted her

"Wa alaikumassalaam.. You. ??" She asked totally confused..

"I am Shoaib bhai's cousin so I am here .. " I stated her expressions changed . and she happily hugged me we were squeeling and shouting like stupid kiddy girls because we both were bored we got overexcited after seeing each other , someone cleared their throat and I saw my brother and cousins standing their behind us all their gazes lowered , they indicated me to come with them .. I excused Mahira and went to them when they told me the serious matter that 'Zeba aapee's family hid Shoaib bhais shoes by tricking him and we are on mission to find it ' .we all made plan and dispersed to our mission , I was searching for Mahira then I saw him and she smirked she too came to know about this game now we were opposites ..

We almost searched for every corner and we did not find it ,it was becoming difficult because whenever we used to see some one from opposite team they smirked which was irking us .. We all standing on the entrance of hall , I was telling them a plan they all were facing me.. When o noticed something strange Zain and his cousins were there on opposite entrance almost celebrating , Zain indicated something to Mahira ,but poor boy I am good at reading , he probably meant that his plan of hiding shoes under chair on which Shoiab bhai was sitting was the best idea ..

I screamed mentally and thought of telling this to everyone but then changed my mind and made a defeated face and went to hall. I was aware that my team was shocked over my sudden change of reaction .. I could not go to Shoaib bhai by myself because it was mens section , I went to a little boy who was my cousin and asked him to come with me , he nodded I told him what to do and bribed him with chocolates .. He did as I said .. And I was mentally patting my back .. I told him to keep his mouth shut and bribed him again with chocolates..

I went to my team and told them that let's give up it's not helping this way.. They argued but then agreed we went and told them that we give up. Our families were dissiapointed and they were beaming with happiness of victory .. I saw Zeba apee's cousins patting and telling Zain that his plan was super..


Jazakallahu khair for the read ..
How was this chapter .. I know it was boring ..
Next part will be knocking of misunderstandings and a huge fight..

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