Chapter-22 "Misunderstanding"

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Abu Dharr (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: "I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: 'No man accuses another of an immoral deed or kufr, but it will come back on him, if the person he accuses is not as he says he is.'"

(Reported by al-Bukhari, 10/388).


16 April 2016



Aaisha's POV

We accepted our defeat ,now it was their chance to give the shoes and demand something from Shoaib bhai.. Their eyes were glistening anybody could see the happiness of winning in their eyes.. But wait mastermind is here , they smiled in victory and I smirked ... Evil me.. I laughed mentally , they confidently walked to get the shoes, oops !! Sorry!! Shoes were missing from there place they , searched and searched .. They were searching the shoes like maniacs .

Everyone was searching the shoes , and were tensed for where did the shoes go.. I was sitting in the corner , when Mahira came to me and asked ,"Tell me one thing Aaisha how can shoes walk all themselves .. "

I wanted to laugh but I controlled and just shrugged my shoulders in don't know kind of manner.. All the guests left one by one ,now only family members were remaining .. I questioned mahira if she want to know where are the shoes ,she just nodded her head like a cute child is asked for chocolate.. I asked her to follow me .. She followed and I went to a big table where everyone was sitting I asked Shoaib bhai to stand up and pointed to his shoes .. She opened her mouth in awww.. And shouted 'How did you do that??' Gaining every single persons attention ,

Now everyone noticed the shoes , and were staring at Mahira .. Shoaib bhai smiled and declared that I was the mastermind of this plan .. Now I was the center of attention.. Everyone was looking at me , to tell how did I do that ..I gulped , and was going to start when my phone started buzzing, 'what a timing' I must say I excused myself and went out , it was Sana's call before I could receive call just ended , Mahira followed me and asked that how did I do that?? Then I told her,

Before 1:30 hour

I called the boy and asked him to call Shoaib bhai outside , he did as I said ,Shoaib bhai came and asked me , did I find shoes , I replied in positive and told him that the shoes were under his chair ., I told him to secretly wear them and sit as if nothing happened..


"Wow.. Aaisha .. Smarty .. Nice .. You bowled it girl.. " Mahira said and went because her mother called her..

Zain's POV

Wow.. We lost .. But she played nice game.. Well done .. I must say .. I don't think she is as bad as I thought .. May be that was just .. Whatever .. But why you are thinking about her stupid mind of mine don't you know its haraam ...uff its haraam..

I was getting bored when my mom called me and some 'desi aunties ' are also with her, I can only hope that those aunties don't have a daughter ,.. At least .. These desi aunties can be named as 'marriage brokers' sorry for saying but this is what i feel..I went there and greeted everyone with salam , they replied and one of the aunties started what I was afraid of..
"Anum and he will make a great pair .. Isn't it " one of them asked ..
That aunty , she was not wearing a head scarf , then her daughter came whom I guess was named Anum.. I quickly lowered my gaze , I was about to leave when my mom glared me to stay there , that Anum girl was also not wearing a hijab , and it was difficult to recognise whether it was her face or colouring book.. Lots of make up.. I mentally slapped myself.. For looking at her.. What is happening to me.. Ya Allah please help me , and save me from evil ..

I excused myself .. But Anum followed me and held my hand all of a suuden .. I was dazed this was the first time.. I jerked her hand away and I was feeling disgusted .. I straight way went to washroom and did wudhu I was reciting dua to calm my anger.. It brought some past memories by which i lost very important person of my life.. I always thought that Aaisha was the worst Muslimah I have ever seen but I was truely wrong , she did not shake hands with guy when he extended today .. But this girl she held my hand .. I went out to get some fresh air , I was sitting on a bench, I was in worst state .. When i saw another disastrous sight , Aaisha was standing with a guy and was talking with him .. All of a sudden the guy hugged her , she did not protest but then she detached , and there were tears in her eyes...

Aaisha's POV

Ya Allah I know its haraam to look ,talk , or touch a non mehram , Zuber is my cousin ,and is my non mehram , we grew up together , but his mental growth is retarded , so he cannot understand all these facts.. . and I was unable to stop him from hugging me.. Because i am responsible for this condition of him..Ya Rabbi please forgive me.. Please..

Zain's POV

I got up and was about to enter the hall when I collided with some one it was none other than Aaisha .. I was super angry unable to control my anger I said , "what do your kind of girls think of yourself.. Huh.. Are you even a Muslim., do you even know that its haraam to only look at non mehram , but you hold hand , hug and who knows what else, you are the reason to spoil so many lives.. Because of girls like you many people die .. You don't even know the meaning of modesty .."

I vent out all my anger on her I knew I shouldn't have said these words.. She was on the verge of crying , but I was not able to control my anger.. I read Astaghfirullah several times .. And she left without even looking at me.. I am guilt I regret it,. I am vulnerable when those past memories knock in.. Ya Allah .. Please help me .. Please forgive me

So big chapter it was..
But could not make parts..
Please give your views

Aaisha and Zain both are having past..

Jazakallah for the read ..
Dedicated to all my lovely readers..
Jazakallah for. Your support.. ❤❤❤

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