Chapter 35

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A/N: Hey you guys!

This chapter is dedicated to Melissa who helped me figure out what should happen here. 

She also made the banner on the right as well as a photobucket slideshow of the outfits Haden bought for Skye!  Link on the side!



---------- Chapter 35 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The four of us are marched to the other end of the palace, all the way to the throne room.

The guard grabbing on to me shoves me into the room roughly after the guys. I trip over the hem of my dress – yes, stupid, stupid heels! – and fall flat on the cold marble, twisting my wrist.

I hiss under my breath getting up just as Haden crouches down beside me.

               “How dare you treat her like that?!” Haden snarls at his guards while he takes my wrist gently to assess the damage. “Just a sprain,” he reassures me, pulling me to my feet.

The door slams ominously and the four of us are alone in the room.

               “I thought your parents were going to be here?” I mutter, kicking off my shoes.

               “They will. But knowing them, they’ll be hanging around at the ball till it’s over. It’s not like we’re going anywhere in a hurry,” he mutters darkly.

He sits down against one of the columns, patting the empty space beside him for me. I walk over and cuddle up next to him. The cold from the water Lila drenched me in is beginning to set in.

               “Why are you all wet anyway?” Haden asks, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, rubbing my arms to keep me warm.

               “Your Lady Lila drenched me. In cold water,” I mutter, trembling a little.

               “I’ve known her for just seems so unlike her,” he mumbles absent mindedly.

               “Yeah well...I suppose love and ignorance is a lethal combination,” I murmur dryly. “She had this insane notion that you and she would marry! She told me that she and I should start getting to know each other since she would one day be the Queen and I, the Royal Concubine.”

Alex snorts in his corner before pretending to have a coughing fit. I glare at him and he grins apologetically. “No offense. It’s just ironic that she called you a slut when she’s the one mentally disrobing Haden every time she sees him.”

Haden blushes adorably. “Can we not talk about me being undressed?” he orders primly.

I catch Matt’s and Alex’s eyes and within moments, the three of us are wrecked by wave after wave of laughter.

               “Funny. Ha ha ha!” Haden mutters sarcastically as he continues to rub my arms.

I lean my head against his shoulder once I’m done laughing, the sleepiness getting the best of me.

               “Hey, Skye? How’d you manage to do that? Encircle Lila with flames, I mean,” Matt asks aloud.

I purse my lips for a moment, trying to recollect. “Hmm...I don’t actually know. One moment she’s wetting me and I fall back...the next, she’s encircled by flames. I didn’t even feel the usual heat in my chest or anything,” I admit.

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