Chapter Seventeen: Charlotte

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I wake up suddenly, only to find myself, once again, in the infirmary. I try to remember what happened...... Oh. My. God. Serin. Kumiko. Haven. They're all dead, aren't they? I feel a pulsing in my head. They are all dead because of me. Serin jumped after me, I know it. All of a sudden I see Xeraph sitting mournfully in the chair beside my bed. He is asleep.
"Xeraph." I say, reaching over at him, slapping his arm. He snorts and opens his eyes abruptly. He makes a 'hrmphf' noise, asking me what I want. "Is Serin dead." I state plainly. Xeraph sighs deeply and nods. "And Kumiko and Haven...?" He nods again, hesitating slightly, this time. "Am I still enrolled in the Academy."
"Yeah. Mother was fired, and they are still looking for a good replacement, but it will take a while. For now, we have a vice. You'll like her. She's Nephalem." I look up at him. Xeraph is sad. His expression will probably always be like that, now. To lose your twin and have your mother leave is something I'd never be able to handle.
"I'm so sorry, Xeraph. Serin's death is entirely and fully my fault-"
"Well, you're finally awake, Miss Belle. I've been looking forward to meeting you." A woman with about the same build as me, a little tall and not a lot of muscle, smiles warmly at me. She has raven black hair and icy blue eyes, that are, somehow, not cold looking. She must be the vice. "I'm the new vice, Miss Veran. But, as your mentor, you can call me Camille." Shte holds out her hand for me to shake.
"Thanks. Uh, what do you mean "mentor"?" I ask, feeling stupid.
"I mean that I will help you become a fully recognized Nephalem, and to help you stay on the path of light." She says in a silvery voice that floats through the air.
"Oh. Uh, okay." I say, smiling nervously.
"I'm terribly sorry for interrupting, but I heard that you were awake and had to see for myself. I'll leave now. See you soon, Miss Belle!" She says, walking out of the infirmary.
"Everyone loves her." Xeraph says, uninterestedly. I wonder if he'll ever be passionate about anything again.
"Yeah." I say after some time. I am thinking about what is going to happen now. I guess I'll go back to school, and graduate in a few years. I'll just keep living, because there's nothing else I can do. I think about the voice I heard on the bottom of the cliff. I guess my father has plans for me in the future, but, for now, I guess I'll enjoy some normalcy while I can have it.

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