Chapter Fourteen: Charlotte

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I sit on the ground. Serin looks blankly at the Cliff, where, moments ago, Kumiko plummeted to her death. Not only is she dead, but I killed her. Xeraph paces, waiting for whoever he called a minute ago to show up. I lean my head back against a tree and look up at the sky. There is no moon and no stars tonight. Serin sighs a few feet away from me. It's all my fault. Xeraph sighs with finality and sits down, too.
"It isn't your fault, Charlotte." He says quietly. "It's mine." I glare at him.
"I was trying to kill her before you were even here. It is entirely my fault." I spit. I won't let anyone take the blame for what I did.
"Why didn't I even try to stop either of you? Kumiko wouldn't be dead, and there wouldn't be anything to take the blame for." Serin mutters. This is the first he's spoken. A car pulls into the lot before the Cliff. Xeraph stands, but Serin and I stay sitting. A man gets out of the driver's seat and the headmaster exits the passenger side. She looks furious. I guess I'm expelled now.
"Get in the car." She surprises me with the gentleness and understanding in her voice. Xeraph steps tentatively towards the car. Serin then gets up and starts for the car. I follow. As I approach headmaster, she grabs my arm and looks at me with a dangerous look in her eye. "Not you." She snaps, sending shivers of fear through my body. My face goes blank, and my face wears a pleading look. "Let's go, Jacob." The man hesitates, but nods and gets back into the car.
"Wait! Please, don't leave me here. I'll get eaten, or die before I reach the school-" Headmaster shoots a look over her shoulder that says 'that's the point, you fool'. Tears touch my cheeks. "I'm sorry." I plead.
"It's too late for sorry now, Charlotte Belle. Suffer your punishment of death all alone in the place where you stole the life of your classmate." She gets in the car. The car pulls away, leaving me all alone. Im surprised the boys did absolutely nothing. I hought that Serin, at least, loved me. The sobs come softly at first, but gradually become gasping, horrid sobs of pure anguish. And there I sit, sobbing, gasping for breathe at what I've done. I killed Kumiko Kazuto. And I'm going to die here for it. I get up and decide to walk to the edge of the Cliff. I look down at the seemingly bottomless pit I sent Kumiko to. I suppose it is only appropriate for me to die as I killed my victim. I wonder if I should do this. Will anyone miss me? Do I even have a purpose in this world? I think,stepping away from the abysmal Cliff. Of course not. You're a murderer. The voice at the back of my head says. I nod, agreeing with it. I step to the very edge and down at my fate. I will fall silently. I will not scream, I will fall as silent as an angel, falling from heaven. My wings will be torn from my back, but I will not feel the pain. The end is coming. I close my eyes and smile. The end is coming. I lean forward and begin the slow descent into death. The slow descent into peaceful rest.


My body crashes to the floor of the Cliff. I smile as I wait for the touch of death on my pitiful soul. After a while, my smile fades. The peace of death does not come. I feel my body, in it's broken shape, and every bone in my body is broken. But why am I still here? I hear a deep voice speak to me softly.
Charlotte Belle, daughter of good and evil, you are not fated to die tonight. You have much more to do on the earth plane. Do not lose hope in your soul. You are not hateful, daughter. You still have the potential for great good.

...Father? I think. I can feel that warmth of his smile.

Yes, Charlotte. I am Malachai, an archangel. Your biological father. I hope for you to join me soon, Daughter.

Daddy..... My world fades away, as I fall asleep on the floor of the Cliff.

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