Chapter Fifteen: Serin

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"Mother, turn the damn car around right now." I hiss at my mother. She doesn't listen, as usual. "You can't just let her stay there, she'll kill herself."
"All for the better of the world. She could destroy everything with one bad decision, tonight was jut the beginning, my sons. You should never have allied yourselves with that demon." She spits the last word in disgust.
"She is better than you, at least, Mother." Xeraph mutters.
"End of discussion." Mother's face fills with rage. She stares at us, challenging us to do something about it. I take my chances, this time.
"I won't let you do this." I say, opening my door when the car comes to a stop sign. Xeraph quickly follows. I start to run. I don't wait for her to respond, I need to get to Charlotte. If she has killed herself, I....I can't even think of what I'll do. I created an entire fake prophecy about us to get her to go out with me. I'm still puzzled as to why she saw my childhood when she kissed me, I was as shocked as she was. I run as fast as I can, and get to the Cliff, just to see a shape fall down the edge.
"No!" My shrill, feminine scream pierces the air. I run to the edge and see Charlotte plummeting peacefully. She doesn't scream, she just flies. She looks beautiful, her brilliant red hair flying around her in a cascade of burgundy on pale alabaster skin. I think instantly of our first kiss. The sun was near setting. I had been nervous all day, I had planned it out so many times. But, I didn't expect her to kiss me back so feverishly, until, of course, she had a vision. Her lips and body had melted into mine, our bodies in perfect synchronization. I had looked into her pooling green eyes and had seen something I still, to this day, describe as her soul. I had loved a girl who had her soul woven into her eyes. But, now she is dead. I feel a deep anguish in my gut, like my heart is attacking my other organs. I gasp for breath. No. That is all that comes to my mind. Just no. I can't lose her. Maybe if you die, too, you can join her. Yes. I should join her in harmonious death. It will be poetic, and beautiful. I stand up, in a trance, and walk towards the edge. I decide that the faster I go, the better. Xeraph will be here soon, anyways. I step off the edge and laugh. The feeling of flying through the air, soaring through the space, is exhilarating, nothing like the illusions I create. My ginger hair sweeps away from my face, and I play around in the simple space. I feel joyous and ready, until I see the ground, which approaches me so fast I barely have a chance to react before I am flat on the bottom of the Cliff. I see Charlotte, and she smiles peacefully and her body is broken in ways I didn't think possible. And then, I see her chest rising and falling. My heart breaks. My mind goes numb, and the pain becomes unbearable. She's alive. I feel the touch of death's hand, cold and surreally cruel, on my soul. His touch turns my blood cold, and my heart stops. No. Now I'm dead, and she is alive. Fate is a cruel, cruel thing. I feel my physical body die, and my soul begins to leave, starting in my toes, and ending with my mind. For some reason, I do not resist Death's touch. I welcome it with open arms. This is my choice. This is how it has to be.

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