Chapter Ten: Serin

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She looks at me like I'm crazy. She just stares at me. After a minute of still silence, she begins to laugh uncontrollably. She has to sit back down on the bench to stop from falling over.
"Charlotte, come on. I'm not kidding. I truly believe it. I have ever since the second I saw you." She laughs again, as I step towards her,
"If you believe in true love, you are truly insane. There is absolutely no way that it's real." I sigh. She stands her ground.
"Trust me." I grab her hand. She stops and looks up at me. "Please. Just give it a chance." She rolls her eyes and smiles slightly, and I know that she has given in.

I wake up refreshed the next morning. I have my first date with Charlotte this afternoon, and nothing can drag me down. I get dressed and head to the library, to meet Kumiko for our tutoring session.
"Hey Kumiko!" I say when I see her. She looks up from her book, startled, and smiles bashfully.
"Hi Serin." She drops her smile. "Today we are covering a history session from the last week before you came back." Getting right down to business, as usual, I see. She opens the history textbook, and I repress a sigh. I have always hated history, even before the Academy made it all kinds of boring.

"Hey! What's up?" Haven walks up to me after I leave the library. "Why were you in the library?" Haven knows me too well. She knows I don't just go to the library, unless I have to.
"I was getting caught up. Don't you remember? Kumiko agreed to tutor me on what I missed when I was hospitalized. She helps Charlotte, too, but she doesn't need as many sessions as me. Longer time in the infirmary, for me." I shrug. Haven swallows hard
"Yeah. Right, I forgot. Look, Kumiko's intentions...they may not be pure. She isn't who you think she is, Serin. She is anything but harmless." I laugh at her. Of course I know that Kumiko has more power than any faerie at this school.
"Of course I know that, Haven. Have you forgotten my lineage?" Haven always forgets that I'm Headmaster Corel's son. Most people don't know, but I told Haven, and she always forgets. It is kind of infuriating.
"No! I haven't forgotten, but just because you are the son of one of the greatest faeries in history, doesn't mean you are all knowing." I take a deep breath and turn on my heel, walking away. I can't deal with her right now. "Serin!" She yells, but I don't stop. I keep walking until I find myself in front of a door I've never seen before.
"Odd. I thought I knew this school up and down." I grab the knob and try to twist it, only to find it locked. "That is also odd...mother says she keeps all the doors unlocked, as she has nothing to hide. Suspicious." I walk down the hall and find myself in an unfamiliar place. "Now, how can that be right? How did I get myself lost in a place I know like the back of my hand?" I feel a presence, so I turn around. An elderly woman stands behind me, looking devastatingly hunchbacked. She looks hauntingly into my eyes, her own boring into mine.
"The day of a full moon unlocks a secret, and it takes one of pure wandering spirit to open the secret wing." I furrow my brow. What the hell is she talking about?
"Yeah, okay. Could you please point me back to the Headmaster's office?" I ask, not taking any of her riddles.
"You are the wandering spirit. You haven't anything to tie you to the real world. Within your world of magic, lies another world full of enchanting thin-" I cut her off with a scoff.
"No thanks, lady. Just point me to the office, please." I say, rolling my eyes at the ridiculous old lady. She scowls and points down the hall, her wrinkles becoming even more dramatic. I roll my eyes at her one more time, and make my way to the office.

Later that day

I walk up behind Charlotte and grab her sides, causing her to jump. I laugh, receiving a punch from Charlotte. I yawn, leaning against my locker.
"Why so tired?" Haven asks. I shrug. I guess talking to that old lady tired me out, and history at 7 am? Not a good idea.
"Anyway, Charlotte, how are you?"
"Well, my sides hurt." She shoots me an accusatory glare. "And I have my exam today, to see if I still quality to be in the more advanced classes. Wish me luck, I'm missing fourth period." She runs off with a smile and a wave. Once she is gone, Haven turns back to me and continues to talk, seemingly forgetting this morning. I don't pay any mind to what she says, I am too excited to think of anything but Charlotte. All of a sudden, Haven stops talking and sighs.
"You aren't listening, are you?" She asks and I look at her apologetically. "You really are head over heels in love, aren't you?" I blush and walk faster. "Aww! That's adorable. You two are perfect for each other. You both have red hair and green eyes, you have strong lineage..." She continues but I don't listen. I'm lost in my own world, thinking of the date I have planned for Charlotte.

After classes

I walk happily to Charlotte's classroom, to find her in a slump at her desk. I stop at the door. The room is empty, except for Charlotte.
"Charlie?" Charlotte looks up, her face red and bloated. Her cheeks streaked with tears. "What happened?" She sniffles.
"I, uh, I failed my test. I am being transferred back to first year. Apparently I haven't learned enough since the beginning of school." I sit next to her and put my hand on the small of her back. She releases a sob and pulls me into her arms. "I," she sobs. "I'm not going to see you everyday. I was just making friends in third year, and now I'm a freshman again." I pet her hair, trying to soothe her.
"I promise you, Charlotte. You will see me everyday no matter what happens, okay?" She sniffles and nods, leaning closer into me. "Always." I look up and see a shadow leave the doorway. Someone was watching us. But, who would do that? I swear I saw a length of chestnut hair leaving with the shadow...

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