Chapter Three: Headmaster Corel

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Headmaster Corel smiles at me from across her desk. I sit in an uncomfortable chair awkwardly. Serin stands by the door, on the other side of the room, not comforting me as I face a woman who will decide my fate; if I am suitable to stay here, or if I have to go back to being a mortal in a blissfully fake reality.
"So, miss Belle, you have been enrolled here." I just look at her. What does she mean???
"Uh, yeah...?" She smiles and looks at Serin, who laughs silently by the door.
"Well, under the circumstances, I have to deem you fit for the standards of the International branch of the Academy. We have to test you to be absolutely sure that you are one of us." I nod. I understand now, they have to be sure that they aren't putting a human in an Academy full of immortals. I smile.
"I'll be ready whenever you want to do it." That gained a smile, with an odd look in her purple eyes, the only abnormal-looking part of her.
"How about right now?" The smile drops off of my face, leaving a determined expression.
"I'm ready."

"So, they will ask you to think things, and, basically, you will somehow show your magical ability in some way. Also, they will gather the amount of magical spirit you have, and how bright your SoulJem is." I cock my head at Serin.
"SoulJem?" Serin laughs and shakes his head.
"Just wait until the Intro to the Magical World class. All the newbies have to take it in their first year." I nod.
"What year are you in?" He smiles flirtatiously at me, causing my heart to flutter.
"I'm a fourth year. I graduate this summer." My heart sinks. Darn. He smiles, realizing that I'm thinking what I'm thinking. My cheeks burn bright red.
" I guess I'm off." I hold out my hand, going for a friendly handshake, but Serin pulls me into his arms and puts his lips against my collarbone. I inhale sharply and lean into him. He whispers against my skin.
"Good luck." I nod.

"Miss Belle." Headmaster Corel greets me outside the Soul Room, where I will take my exam. I step into the metal box-like room and stand in the center, like I was told. I hear a voice coming from all around me telling me to close my eyes and imagine a river. I imagine a flowing river, surrounded by rolling forests and tall mountains. The river shines a deep blue, the trees are the greenest green I've ever seen. The voice tells me to imagine a cave, now. I see a cave, filled with glowing stones and streams flowing through. I hear gasps from the voice. I am told to open my eyes, and I do. I now stand in front of Headmaster Corel and Serin, who's jaws hang open.
"Wow." Serin says under his breath. I look around me and see------

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