Chapter Seven: Serin

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I do up the top button on my uniform and sigh. My uniform doesn't fit me nearly as well as it did. I have lost so much weight, and my face is a hollow, with angles that make me look alienesque. I haven't eaten in a week. As a faerie, I can survive without food, but it comes with the cost of losing power. I can't stop thinking about Charlotte. Why did I say those things to her? I caused all of my misery with one single comment. If only Charlotte's magic had been stable, and not caused an explosion. If only she hadn't fallen in love with my brother. If only she had been a faerie like the rest of us. I sigh again and walk out of my dorm, running straight into Kumiko.
"Uh, sorry Kumiko..." She just picks up her books and settles her glasses back on the bridge of her nose. "Returning today's novels, I'm guessing?" She smiles shyly and brushes a piece of hair behind her ear, which then falls back into her face. I take the strand and secure it behind her ear. She blushes immensely and runs off, to the library, I suppose. I continue down the hall, getting welcomed back by all my buddies, but get a chill when I pass Charlotte, Xeraph and their friends. I almost mistake a look from Charlotte as pity, and forgiveness, but it is quickly replaced by a cold and unforgiving glare. Maybe it was just a trick of the light...
"Hey! Serin!" Haven, my best friend, steps up to walk with me. "How are you?" She seems genuinely concerned, but not interested in how I actually am. I smile at her.
"I'm good. Ready to get back into classes." She scoffs and wraps her arm around mine.
"Same old Serin." We laugh as we enter our first and only class together. We part, while she joins her girl friends, I am left to the insanity, which is the boys of the Academy. I have never had a taste for hanging out with boys, they are too rowdy, and too insensitive. Plus, all the boys here adore my brother, and despise me.
"Students, take your seats." Mrs. Griffin says, scraping her name into the board with chalk. "Now, one of the frosh has exceeded greatly in all her classes, so she will join in on our magic classes." She turns back to us. "Charlotte Belle, please come in. I see that the only vacant spot is next to Serin, so you may be seated please." Charlotte looks up at me with great distaste. I hear the boys in the back whistle at the cute new girl, but Xeraph just glares at me.
"Mrs. Griffin, I'd much rather to not sit with him." She sends me a nasty look, which causes my cheeks to flare.
"Miss Belle, as you can see, there are no other vacant seats." Charlotte takes a reluctant breath and waltzes over to me, her nose held high. "Any problem you have with him," Mrs. Griffin points to me. "Should be resolved immediately. I mean it. You two will be partners all year. Better learn to like each other." Charlotte groans quietly. I sigh.
"Charlotte, I am sorry. I don't know what came over me." I whisper as class starts.
"Yeah. I get that pretty clearly." She snaps.
"Look, I'd like to make it up to you. Let me show you something after classes are out. Meet me at the infirmary door straight after class." She breathes deeply and nods. We do not speak again.

"Hey, what was up with you and that new girl, Charlotte, was it?" Haven asks as we go to our lockers after our classes are over.
"Uh, nothing, Haven. Look, I gotta go, but I'll see you at our table at supper, okay?" I run to the infirmary before she answers. I nearly float the whole way there, hoping blindly that I can make it up to Charlotte for what I did. I get there before her, so I sit outside the door and wait. She walks up quietly, five minutes later.
"S-sorry I'm late... I had to talk to some teachers...." I wave it away.
"No problem. Gave me a sec to sit. Come on! Follow me." I walk giddily up to the roof. A sole bench sits, facing the sunset. I sit down and beckon for Charlotte to join me. She does, but hesitantly.
"How do you think that a sunset will make up for what you did, Serin?" She asks, after a minute or two in silence.
"Sh. When I tell you to, create an orb of magical energy, and throw it over the fence, got it?" She nods, looking at me with suspicion. Another few minutes pass, and the time comes. "Now!" We both create orbs and throw them, which casts a magnificent light over the roof. I laugh as Charlotte looks in awe at the sky, a beautiful orange. I turn to her and she looks into my eyes. I lean towards her, and she leans towards me.
"Hey, wise guy!" Xeraph stomps towards us in a fury. "What the hell are you doing? If you think this undoes what you did, think again." He grabs Charlotte's wrist.
"Xeraph, stop! It isn't your right to determine what makes up for anything done to me! I'm not a child, I can take care of myself! I'm eighteen, Xeraph, I don't need you to take care of me. I was about to tell Serin that I forgive him, because I decide what will make it up to me. I... I think we should take a break Xeraph." Xeraph glares at her, and kicks her in the gut, sending her flying into the fence.
"Charlotte!" I go to help her, but Xeraph throws me on top of her.
"You two deserve each other." He spits, as he walks off the roof. I look down at Charlotte, who is unconscious underneath me. Her auburn hair glows in the orange lighting. What am I thinking? I need to get her to the infirmary. I grab her head, but feel something wet. I pull my hand away, and it is red. I need to get her there fast.

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