Chapter One: Secret Phone Calls at 3am

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*crack* I feel my body shatter as I hit the ground. Every single bone is most likely broken, but.... I'm not dead. I close my eyes. I don't know why, but that always makes me wake up from a bad dream.

My eyes slam open. My whole body drenched in sweat, I sit up. I look around my room solemnly. I always have dreams like that. I stand up and head towards the kitchen. Mother sits asleep in the rocking chair with a crossword still in her hands. I can hear Dad snoring away in his room. I smile. I open the fridge carefully and grab the pitcher of water and fill a glass. As I put the pitcher down, it clatters, waking Mother from her sleep.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." Mother stretches and yawns.
"What time is it?" I look at the clock; I have no idea.
"Quarter after three." Mother looks at me suspiciously.
"Why aren't you in bed then, Charlotte Belle?" Mother always overreacts.
"Bad dream." I shrug. Mother's eyes filled with worry. Here we go.
"Another suicide attempt?" Mother speaks quietly, but not without power.
"Yeah." I nearly whisper. Mother always says I need to see a councilor or something. It isn't that I want to die, or that I haven't anything to live for, I just am perplexed by the idea of dying. I want to know what it's like.
"Honey, you need to talk to someone, and if it isn't us, then it needs to be a professional." I look pleadingly at my mother.
"Please, no. I don't need to talk about that. I don't want to die, Mom. I really don't. I'm happy." I walk up to Mother and hug her. She sighs and shrugs.
"We'll talk tomorrow. Go get some sleep. I love you Charlie." We smile and I walk upstairs. Halfway in my room I realize I left my water downstairs. I walk down the stairs casually, only to find Mother on the phone.
"Marcus? It's Adelaide. Charlotte has been having the dreams again. Are you sure we can keep this secret any longer? I think now is the best time to..." She stops talking. I look confusedly at my Mother. Who is Marcus? "Yes, but..." She sighs. "I know. But she will need some time to get used to it. It isn't like it is here. The rules and the people, they are entirely opposite..." Another sigh. What is she talking about? I keep listening, and catch a word from Marcus. Death. Tears gather in Mom's eyes. "Ok, fine. Have it your way, but I will tell her Marcus. I am going to tell her tomorrow morning, and you can't stop me." I hear Marcus's response.
"We'll see about that, Adelaide. Sweet dreams." Mother slams her phone and the counter and grabs a teaspoon from the drawer. She crosses to the pantry and pulls out the tub of peanut butter. She puts popcorn in the microwave and shovels peanut butter into her mouth. I walk into the kitchen and sit by her. I eye her carefully.
"Mom?" She stops, her spoon resting in midair. She sighs and puts her spoon down. Mother grabs my hand and smiles apologetically.
"Charlotte, listen. Did you...did you hear my conversation?" I hesitate. Should I tell the truth? I nod, knowing the truth is always better. "Then you know that we haven't been entirely honest with you. Honey, we--I..." She looks into my eyes. I lean forward, wanting her to finish. What is she hiding? "We're taking a trip to New York next week!" I lean back on my chair, taken aback. That's all? "I am being transferred there for work, and they are giving us a free trip to test the waters. We will stay in a show house that me and your father are planning on purchasing." I frown. Then what about what Marcus was saying?
"I...I overheard Marcus say the word death. Why did he say that?" Mother's eyes look at me, shocked.
"You...heard that?" She sits back, perplexed over what to say, I can tell. I know that this secret is much more....dangerous than a trip to New York City. Something is happening, things are changing, I can feel it. "Well, there was a recent murder in the area where we are staying, but they are just wrapping up the investigation. The entire neighborhood was cut off as a crime scene. Me and your father didn't want to worry you with that. The case has already been closed, so there won't be any trouble." I sit back. I still don't think that that is all she wants to tell me, but for now, I will leave it alone.

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