Chapter Twelve: Charlotte

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"Hey, I'm so sorry about the date. I just didn't feel up to it, after the exam, and all." Serin smiles at my apology.
"No biggy. We can do it another time. No rush. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" I nod and he kisses my forehead, something I've come to anticipate and adore. My heart pounds as I take out my dorm key. I almost have the door open when a hand covers my mouth. I try to scream, but am knocked out. As I lose consciousness I see my captor.

As I open my eyes, I feel as though my capture was just a dream, but then I feel my wrists and ankles bound. I am in a van. I am curled up on the floor, and I feel like I was crushed under a million tons of bricks. I look around, but the van is empty, other than my bruised body, lying in the middle. I try to see out of the window, try to see the driver, but fail to see. I sigh, catching its attention. I see dark eyes and two feminine faces. Who...... Suddenly, I remember seeing my captors.
"Kumiko, Haven, let me go! Please, I don't even know what I did to you!" I plead with them, but they do not answer my question.
"Charlotte, we are taking you someplace where you can't hurt Serin anymore." I blink.
"Me...hurt him?" I almost laugh. "Do you remember what happened at the beginning of the year?!" I demand.
"He only said those things because you told him you didn't love him." Haven says coldly. "Now, you can't do that again."
"But, it'll crush him! I just agreed to a date with him, and now I'll go missing? He'll be devastated!" Kumiko shrugs. "You both are just jealous, aren't you? This isn't for him, this is for you. You both love him, don't you?" I accuse.
"No!" Kumiko stomps on the break. "Haven, shut her up." She hesitates, but nods anyways. Haven opens the back and approaches me with a rag. I inhale and hold my breath. She presses it to my face, but I don't breath in. I pretend to fall asleep from the chloroform. I listen to their following conversation.
"Kumiko, is everything alright? I mean, you came into my room, late at night, and just told me to follow you. And now, we've kidnapped the most powerful being either of us has ever seen. And what exactly are you planning to do to her? Kill her? Imprison her? Sell her?" Kumiko laughs at Haven's questionings.
"Oh, those things are all way to good for her. I plan on drawing out her final, pained breath, after torturing her for as long as she did me." Haven is speechless at this comment.
"...Charlotte....tortured you?" Kumiko laughs maniacally again.
"No, of course not!" I roll my eyes. Psycho. "But, she has been playing with Serin, and I should be the only one he pays any mind to!" She laughs evilly. Haven scoots away from Kumiko and puts her hand on the door handle. "Oh, don't even think of running, Haven. If you do, I'll kill you." Haven swallows.
"Bring it on." She opens the door and jumps out. Kumiko growls and throws herself after Haven. I hear a thump, and some steps coming towards the door. I shift, and the footsteps stop. Please, let it be Haven. The door slides open, and I feel the light of the moon on my face. The figure steps into the van, the light coming from behind her. She grabs my arm and stands me up. I know instantly that the girl is shorter than me, and Haven is six feet tall. Kumiko.

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