Chapter Thirteen: Xeraph

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I walk broodingly through the halls, as I always do. I pass Charlotte's door regretfully. It is late. I shouldn't have taken that "shortcut" across the bridge. My feet hurt, and I forgot my coat, so I'm freezing. I pause and look at Charlotte's door. I wonder if she's still awake. I crack the door open and peer in, curiosity getting the best of me. I frown. Her bed is empty and the blankets are askew. What happened? I think, looking again. Maybe she just left, for some reason.... I closed the door. It is no longer my business. Me and Charlotte are long over. I'm a big jerk, and I deserve her hatred. I just wish she knew that I am sorry. I didn't mean to beat her and Serin black and blue. I just lose control of my temper sometimes. I walk back down the hall and run into Serin, who looks like he has been running down every hall in the Academy.
"Serin?" I say, surprised to see my brother this late at night. "What's wrong?" He pants, trying to gain the breath to speak.
"Charlotte," he says indistinctly. "She's gone missing." I look at him, confused. "So are Kumiko and Haven." I furrow my brow.... Kumiko............ A light goes off in my head.
"No." I say under my breath. "She's gonna kill Charlotte to get to you." Serin frowns.
"Just follow me and don't get lost." Serin nods and follows me to my truck. We drive to the spot I suspect Kumiko would bring Charlotte. We approach the Cliff and I see another vehicle parked here. I don't recognize it. I hear some commotion from mlby the edge, and run towards it. I see two figures, fighting. "Hey!!" I yell, scaring Serin, who stands timidly and anxiously behind me. The two figures stop, and I take a step towards then, and one throws the other towards the Cliff. "No!" I scream, the sound is inhumane in my ears. I run, and the figure doesn't move the smaller, more fragile looking figure. "Kumiko, no!" I yelp. The girl hanging over the cliff wriggles and yells. Wait.... Charlotte isn't hanging over the cliff...... Kumiko is. "Charlotte!! Do not let go of Kumiko. You don't have to hurt her." I step slowly towards her.
"No! She murdered Haven. She killed her, and all she did was try to set me free!" Charlotte spat. She was losing it.
"Did they drug you, Charlotte?" I say, almost close enough to touch Charlotte's wild auburn hair.
"Of course they did!! Xeraph, nothing is going to change my mind about this. She deserves to die. I'm done dealing with her, I always knew she would turn out to be crazy." Charlotte speaks confidently and stubbornly.
"Let me go!!" Kumiko screeches. I step forward that last little step and grab charlotte by the waist. As a reaction, Charlotte let's go of Kumiko's fingers. A shrill scream pierces our ears. The sounds fades, until it stops altogether.
"Oh my God." Serin mumbles behind us. "Kumiko..."

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