Kidnapped | 1.9

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Michael's pov

I can't believe Luke thinks that lowly of himself. He is beautiful. He is perfect. Whatever Marcus said it isn't true, but whatever he did to make Luke believe him, he does. He isn't eating or sleeping. He thinks we don't notice but we do. We are all very worried.

"Meeting" I hear Zayn yell. We all walk into the living room. We all sit down and I look around. Luke isn't here.

"Guys Luke isn't here" I say and Louis nods.

"It's because this meeting about him. Liam went into Luke's room and blocked his ears when I yelled" Zayn says and I nod.

"Okay, well we all have noticed Luke not eating or sleeping. Marcus is an asshole. He ruined our Luke. I hate him for it. We are going to court on Thursday which is in two days" Louis said. We all nod.

"He told me that he hates himself" I say and I start to tear up. They all look so heartbroken when I said that. I hear a door open and I'm guessing it's Luke. I hush them and we all stare at Luke as he comes up the stairs. I see him kind of struggling as he walks up the steps. I walk over and help him up the flight of stairs. I help him to the couch and we sit down. I guess everyone decided they didn't want to talk about Luke, so everyone was quiet. I lay him down on the couch and he cuddles into me. I smile and I kiss him.

"Woah woah woah, when did this happen" Harry asked. I smiled and looked down at Luke. He blushed and put his head in the crook of my neck. I giggled as his breath tickled my neck.

"It happened a few nights ago" I said and Luke nodded. The boys smiled and they started talking. I looked down at Luke to see him playing with the hem of his shirt. I put my hand on his cheek and he looked up at me. I run my thumb over the large cut on Luke's cheek. My eyes start tearing up and Luke cuddles into me tighter. I cuddle him back. A few tears slip and I bury my head in Luke's quiff. I hear him sigh and then a soft snore. I look down to see him asleep. I give his sleeping figure a small sad smile and fall asleep cuddled up with Luke.

:A Few Hours Later:

I feel someone shake my shoulder and I open my eyes. I see Ashton and he smiles.

"We have to head over to management's office. Jaxon just called and said that he was gonna make sure we get there safe. Just in case. We never know if Marcus has more buddies out there" He says. I nod and look down at Luke.

"I know we have to be careful. I'll wake up Luke and we'll get ready" I say and he walks away. I sit up. I'm about to wake up Luke until I see him start to shake. I hear him mumble something around the words 'calum' 'harry' and 'run'. He then starts to cry and his mumbles start to get louder. I see this as the time to wake him up.

"Luke, darling, wake up" I say as I start to shake his shoulder. He starts to shake more and I get worried.

"Luke, wake up" I yell and he jolts up. I grab him and pull him close. He starts sobbing into my chest. I rub his back and run my other hand through his hair.

"Shh, Luke, you're okay. You're home. He isn't going to hurt you anymore. I'll protect you Luke. I love you" I say, whispering that last part. His head shoots up.

"Y-you l-love m-me" he asks. I blush, half from embarrassment because he heard that part. I look down. He lifts my chin up with his hand.

"I love you too, Michael Clifford" he says. My head rises and as soon as I look up, he smashes his lips on mine. I kiss back and lean back so he is laying on top of me. I grab his face and bring it closer. He tangled his fingers in my hair.
I hear someone clear their throat. Luke jumps off and sits next to me. I sit up to see Niall smirking. He walks into the kitchen smiling.

"Okay well that happened" I say and Luke blushes.

"Well we have to go to the management's office so go get ready. I'll wait for you, okay" I say. He nods and goes downstairs to his room. I walk downstairs after grabbing my bottle water. I hear the shower turn on in Luke's room. I smile and walk into my room to get changed.

Luke's pov

I turn on the shower and wait till it heats up. After five minutes, it ready so I step in. I was my hair with shampoo and conditioner. I start to wash my body. I scrub hard again and again. It's no use. I still feel disgusting. I look over to see my razor. I haven't used it in 3 years. I pick it up. I twirl the shiny piece of metal in my hand.


I put it on my wrist and drag it across. I do it again and again until my wrist is a bloody mess. I put my wrist under the water and hiss in pain but it cleans off the blood. I see the blood on the shower floor go into the drain. I put the razor in a hidden space so no one knows where it is.


I turn off the shower and wrap my towel around my body. I go into my room and grab clothes (Luke's outfit on side/top). I put on a black long sleeve to make sure no one sees my cuts. I put on my ripped black skinny jeans. I dry my hair and style it into my usual quiff. I walk out of my room and meet Michael in the hall. He smiles and takes my hand. We see Ashton and Calum walk down the stairs. We all walk out the door to the car Jaxon had to drive us to the office. God please let this be good.


1072 words💁

I hope you guys enjoyed. I lied in my past Author's Note. Now there will be 2-3 chapters left.


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