Kidnapped | 1.1

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Luke's pov

"Well well well, look whose up. Lukey and his gay friends" I look up and see Marcus standing there. I mentally groan. I stand up straighter but I whimper in pain. Marcus laughs as he watches me try to deal with the pain. He presses a button and electricity flows through my body.

"AHHHHHHH STOP" I scream in pain as I fall to the floor. Harry and Calum bend down and Harry looks at Marcus.

"Stop" he yells as I still scream in pain. Then he stops and I'm breathing heavily. They help me up and wrap their arms around me.

"What the hell was that" Calum asked. Marcus smirks and brings out a tray. It has an empty chip case that is made of electricity, which is for light switches.

"YOU CHIPPED ME" I screamed. Marcu nods while smirking. Calum mutters, asshole, under his breath that I suppose Marcus wasn't supposed to hear but he did. He pressed the button and fell to the floor again.

"AHHHH" I yell in pain. Harry and Calum yell for him to stop and he finally does after what seemed like hours but only have been minutes. They pick me up and I stumble. Harry shakes his head and sniffles.

"Aww look, Styles is crying again. Oh grow up you baby" Marcus says to Harry. I see how much that hurts Harry as he looks down. I unwrap my arms from the boys and use all my energy to tackle Marcus.

"Never say anything bad about them again, you hear me bitch" I yell at Marcus. Marcus smirks and snaps his fingers and Xander and Chase walk in. I jump off of Marcus and push Harry and Calum behind me.

"Come on Luke, don't be that way hand over the boys and we won't hurt you" Marcus says, talking to me like I'm a 5 year old. I nod and take a step away from them. Harry and Calum look confused and scared. I walk over to Marcus and punch him in the face. I kick all three of them in the balls and tell Harry and Calum to run. I run after them and we turn the corner. I see a door and I tell them to go through it. It leads outside and we smile. I hear footsteps and we start running down the road. They are catching up to us. I tell them to keep running and don't worry about me. I stop and let them take me so they leave Harry and Calum alone.

"That was a risky move Hemmings. You let your friends leave. Now you're gonna get it" Marcus says and drags me back into the building. Before we go in I take a look outside so I get a visual of where I am. I see a building that I have seen before but I can't remember.

They drag me into a totally different room that I haven't been in before. The chain me to the wall and get a bunch of weapons. Such as bats, whips, knives, bricks, lighters, etc. They beat me until I'm almost unconscious.

"No way Hemmings you ain't blacking out yet. We need to call some people" Xander says and unchained me. I fall to the floor and he picks me up. He pulls me into the room with the metal chair and out me in it. My eyes start to close. He slaps me and my eyes open. He clicks on Skype and I see they're calling the boys. They answer and Xander is blocking the lens so they can't see me.

"Hello boys" he says.

"What happened to Luke. Is he alive" I hear Michael's voice crack. How did he know about the stabbings.

"Oh he's alive but not well. He might as well be dead" He says.

"What do you mean" Zayn says. Xander steps out of the way to give the boys a full view of me. They gasp.

"Luke" Michael says. I look to up to see him and he starts crying. He puts his head in his hands.

"Hey Michael, stop being a crybaby" Xander says and that reminds me of what Marcus said to Harry. Harry and Calum!

"Harry and Calum escaped" I try to say but my voice is quiet and only Xander heard me. He smiles at me.

"That's right boys little Lukey here let Harry and Calum escape. So they are gone" Xander says and they smile. Xander smirks.

"So that means even more beatings for Luke here" he hits me in the stomach with a bat. I groan in pain.

"Stop" Ashton yells and Xander laughs.

"No, well we gotta go. Say bye Luke" Xander says and looks at me. The building comes to mind and I finally remember what it is and I know where I am.

"Billy's Warehouse, London" I say and he turns off the laptop.

Michael's pov

We get a call from the psychopaths and we answer.

"Hello boys" the man says.

"What happened to Luke. Is he alive" I asked, my voice cracks.

"Oh he's alive but not well. He might as well be dead" He says.

"What do you mean" Zayn says. Xander steps out of the way to give us a full view of Luke. We gasp.

"Luke" I say and start crying. I put my head in my hands.

"Hey Michael, stop being a crybaby" The man says and something clicked in Luke's mind I could tell. He says something that we couldn't hear but the man could. He smiles at Luke.

"That's right boys little Lukey here let Harry and Calum escape. So they are gone" he says and we smile. The man smirks.

"That means even more beatings for Luke" He hits Luke in the stomach with a bat. Luke groans in pain.

"Stop" Ashton yells and the man laughs.

"No, well we gotta go. Say bye Luke" the man says and looks at Luke.

"Billy's Warehouse, London" Luke says and the screen goes black.

"Billy's Warehouse" Niall asked. A lightbulb clicked in my head and I stood up.

"Billy's Warehouse is where we always used to go. That's were they must be" I said and I grab my coat. Andrew and the other boys follow in suit.

"Liam, call the cops" I said and we run outside and hop in my car. I call Paul and Jaxon. Hang on Luke, we are coming.

Kidnapped : l.h & m.cWhere stories live. Discover now