Kidnapped | 0.4

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Ashton's pov

We were all sitting down on the couch worried sick because no one has seen or heard from Harry. We hear a noise and look down at the computer that was still in front of us. LUKE. We forgot about him.
Zayn hit answer and it finally connects. It shows a bruised and bloody Luke blocking someone. IT'S HARRY.

"HARRY" Louis yells. The men come out and smirk at us. The man goes over to Luke and tries to shove Luke out of the way to get to Harry. Luke doesn't budge.

"More or I'll taser you again" the man said to Luke. TAZER! Luke still doesn't move so the guy gets out the taser. He sticks it to Luke's side. He yells in pain but still doesn't move.

"Fine, we will let the boss deal with you" the man said as Luke's eyes widen. The door opens to reveal.......


Cliffhanger! Who do you think it is? Find out next chapter.

I kid

Keep scrolling or swiping and find out.


Luke's pov

Marcus. My eyes widen and I start to get a little scared.

"MARCUS" I hear the boys scream. I feel Harry start to shake underneath me. I start to hum quietly trying to sooth him.

"Hello boys, Luke, Harry" Marcus nods at us smirking. He walks over so he is standing in front of us.

"Luke move" he says but I stay in my place not letting anyone get to Harry. Marcus's eyes squint down at me.

"Move NOW" he says but I only shake my head. He growls and grabs me by the arm and yanked me up. Since I'm still weak I can't really fight back anymore.

"Fine, have it your way" He says as he pulls our faces close. He yanks me up some stairs and into a room. It's a bedroom. Uh Oh. Marcus pushes me in the bed as he starts kissing me. I don't kiss back and try to get out of his grip, unfortunately the odds aren't in my favor. He slaps me hard and I whimper. He starts to take of my shirt and pants. I start pleading for him to stop but he won't listen. He keeps going.

Michael's pov

"Fine, have it your way" Marcus says to Luke and pulls him somewhere off screen. The Skype call is still on. Harry looks at us. Louis mouths 'are you okay' to Harry. Harry nods and all of a sudden we hear a scream. We all get closer to the screen. Then we hear it again,

" NO STOP PLEASE STOP" Its Luke. Harry gets up and walks off camera and we are just listening to Luke's screams. I go to log off but a man comes on screen.

"Don't log off or what's happening to Luke upstairs isn't the worst we can do" he sneers. We all stare shocked as Luke's screams run through the scream. We start tearing up. Still 10 minutes later he still screaming. Than its all quiet. The man ends the call. What happened to Luke?


Okay there you go guys Chapter 4 I hope you guys enjoy!


Kidnapped : l.h & m.cWhere stories live. Discover now