Ch.17♡: War I

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I entered my mom's room as she was loading her clothes into a suitcase.

"Ma where you goin'?" I asked.

"I'm about to meet Semaj, Kiea and Naomi at Vegas and get stupid! Bouta get drunk!" She laughed.

"Hisan know you goin there? You know He hates it when you drink."

"I am grown, he doesn't care" She flopped on the bed and started to put on her heels.

"Mom, I need to talk to you" I fussed around at my fingers as while staring at her. The question that I was feigning to ask, is hard to get out,

"What's up?"

"How did Drew die again?" I asked.

"He got shot"

"Ma, would you ever lie to me?"

"No" she smiled and looked up at me,

"Did you kill him?"

Right then and there, her eyes widened and she nodded her head no as she looked to the ground,

"So you didn't kill him? Because Ria and her family seem to think that you did"

"What? I don't know what thier talking about Desireè." She slowly got up and went into the bathroom that was placed in her room, I followed her, demanding the truth. I can tell when she's keeping shit from me.

"Mom did you do it?"

"Didn't I just say I didn't do it Desireè?! I don't know what the fuck they talkin bout!" She slammed the flat irons she was holding down.

"Why you gettin so upset, all I did was ask you a question, it don't take all that"

"Don't come in my room questioning me, I'm grown. Get out!"

"You did it. You did it. Ya know I wouldn't trip over him after what he did to us. But the least that you could do, is be honest with me. Have fun in Vegas ma" I started to walk out the bathroom.

"Desi wait"

"What?" I shrugged and turned back at her.

"Yes. Yes I killed your father" She confessed and raised her right hand.

"Wh-what did you do to him"

"I'm not gonna get all into detail, but your-- Andrew hurt me, I never told you this because at the time you were still too young and you adored him. But you wanna know how were conceive?" She shedded a tear and wiped it before it could fall.


She told me the story of how Kada set her up to get raped by 11 men and 9 of them had on condoms but the other two who were Kada's brothers didn't, for years she thought Dalontè was my father but it was Andrew all along, and before she knew he raped her, they fell in love.

What type of shit.

" stayed with your rapist?! You let a rapist come into my life! Why did you even approve of him being in our lives, if he did that to you"

"I fell in love with him Desireè! I loved him and we both know that you needed a father! He loved you, but he didn't love you enough to be a real man. He raped me, abused me, lied to me, used to me and on top of all that he killed my mother. So yes, I killed him and if I had another chance I would do it again" she cried.

"Desireè, I just was tired of being weak, so I took it upon myself to do it. But I want you to know that I'm only human, I ain't perfect and I made mistakes, big mistakes. And I know when you were little, I put you through hell and you had to witness a lot. I'm sorry for that, and I'm sorry that I killed Drew."

FOOLISH: BAG LADY(Book Three)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz