Ch.12♡: Truth

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Rocky's POV

(2 days later )

"Why would you do that shit?!" I reached up and punched AJ in the middle of his head.

"She killed our pops man!"

"That is your sister Jay!! Why would you aim a fuckin gun at her" I hit him once again and wr started arguing again.

"Y'all need to calm down" Jacob said

"Hey! Stop all of that right fuckin now!" Riana came out from the back with her drink in her hand.

"Now what yall yelling about"

"Dumb ass over here, tried to kill our sister!"

"Who Janessa's daughter? What's wrong with that?" She

"Are you fuckin serious?! I can't with you!" I rubbed my temples.

"But ma look what I got, baby bring it in!" He yelled out the door to his little hoe.

She brung in a duffle bag of money, she looks familiar I think I saw her at the shop before too, he took the bag away from her and dumped all the money out on the floor.

"Boy where you get this?!" Riana jumped with joy and picked up a stack.

"Her shop!"

"Damn man! What she doin with all this?" Jacob asked

"What the fuck is wrong with you AJ! That is our sister"

"Look!" Riana pushed me againts the wall "That little girl and her mama is the enemy, she's been the enemy for years and you know that"

"Your just mad, cause daddy loved her mom more than he loved you"

"Ya know what bitch calm the fuck down! You need to stop turnin yo back on the family"

"Riana how could you tell me not to turn my back on my family if you did that to us?! She's the one you should be aiming the gun at!"

"Shut up, if it wasn't for her we'd dead"

"Kill me now" I said in a sarcastic tone and rolled my eyes.

Jacob's phone started ringing, he picked it up and put it on speaker phone.


"Have you seen Rico he's missing?!"

Rico was his bad ass little brother.

"Nah....I haven't heard from, what you mean he missing"

"Jacob my son is gone!" Rico's mother panicked.

"Okay I'm on it right now" he hung up and continued to count a stack of money.

"Jake aren't you gonna go look for him?"i asked

"He ain't missing, prolly at one of his hoes house chillin"

"I'm out"

Desireè POV

It's been a day since the shop got rob, so I had to shut it down. I'm kind of scared to open it back up. I sat in Fame's old room with him as he smoked a blunt.

"Whoever did that shit got balls for days man . Don't worry Des . We got you" he said referring to the shop being robbed

"I hope you know they took the money. All of it. Don't yell"

He stood up and punched a whole in the wall.

"Damn!" He yelled.

"I told you not to keep it there dummy"

FOOLISH: BAG LADY(Book Three)Where stories live. Discover now