Chapter 16: Tour

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           Walking out of the Fine Arts building, Tania smiled when she saw Alex waiting for her. I should have known he’d check to find out if I had any late classes, she thought as she ran over to him.

            “Here,” He said, handing her a box.

            Tania frowned. “What’s this for?” It’s not my birthday and he already got me a Christmas present, she mused.

            “Open it.”

            Taking care, the girl opened the small box, finding a cell phone inside. “What’s this?”

            “Well it’s commonly known as a cell phone. A lot of people have them,” Alex replied, grinning.

            “Yes but why are you giving me one?”

            “Because it makes things easier. If trouble arises you can phone one of us, if we need to find you we can phone you not to mention you can get a hold of someone if you need to be walked home.”

            Tania shook her head. “I can’t accept this.”

            “You can and will. The plan’s all set up and everything’s in your name and I put all of our phone numbers into it already. It’ll make things easier for you. Especially for this weekend,” Alex told her, leading the way down the shadowy, snow-covered path.

            “What’s happening this weekend?”

            “Didn’t your pack phone you?” When Tania shook her head, Alex explained “They’re coming up this weekend for a tour and the party. Actually they’re not the only ones. A lot of people from the various communities are coming up for tours and Friday night we’re having a huge party out in the forest. Theron’s already found the spot and Aiden’s going to clear it Friday afternoon. And I was going to ask you if you’d be willing to be a tour guide for a couple of the groups. I know you don’t have any classes on Fridays again but I wasn’t sure if you were doing anything with your friends.”

            “I’m not and I’d be happy to help. Are you sure it’ll be alright for me to give tours? I mean I’m human and I don’t know all that much about the different kinds of people.”

            “You know the campus and you know enough about the different groups to be able to point out the stuff they’d be most interested in. Besides we’ll tell you what they’re interested in before you go. And you’re most definitely not ordinary.”

            Tania frowned. “But I am. I’m just ordinary. There’s nothing special about me. No one would even know who I am if you hadn’t gotten them all to bodyguard me.”

            Alex rolled his eyes. “Well generally people who find out about the different communities take a couple of years to adjust. You were fine after a month. Everyone who gets to know you comes to care about you deeply and because you believe the best of them, try and change themselves so as to meet your expectations.”

            “Now you’re just exaggerating. No one goes out of their way to change just because I think they’re good. Besides the obvious fact that they’re already good, I don’t affect people that way.”

            “You do. Or hadn’t you noticed that fact that since he met you Bredon finally grew up? Or how about Ilana, who had a severe dislike of normal humans but is now good friends with your friends? Even that bloody cat tries his best to behave when you’re around.”

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