Chapter Two

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I sat down immediately when I saw all the eyes on me. I sat in the back, grabbed my doodling notebook and, well, doodled. I always hated history/social studies. 20 minutes into class and I noticed something. The new kid was in my classroom and looking straight at me. It made me feel slightly uneasy, yet, my stomach fluttered. The odd thing though is that the guy still looks familiar. Then I remembered that boy who I thought was just a wolf.

But just when I had that thought in mind, the teacher noticed me not paying attention.

“Ms. Parnell is there something you would like to point out to the class that made you not pay attention?” said Mrs. Bricheart.

I know it’s an odd name, it makes sense though. She doesn’t take any excuse as real even if it’s an A+ student that came in late because he missed the bus or wasn’t at class the past day. EVERYTHING has to be turned in the day she says its due. Whether you were gone or not. And she gives out A LOT of homework that’s seriously hard.

I looked at her and thought of something quick to say so she knew I wasn’t staring at the new kid (who was also, technically staring at me, I say that its unfair that I get caught but he doesn‘t…unfair!). I saw the whole class was looking RIGHT at me, even the boy. I cleared my throat and began.

“Yeah, I do, um why don’t those laminated things of the president’s have something to say of why their president, like President George W. Bush, “heroic” or “Great war leader” and stuff like that?” I said, proud of myself that I thought that since we were on the unit of president’s and past wars.

Mrs. Bricheart was astonished that I said that instead of saying “No, ma’am” or some stupid thing that was far off topic. She shook her head and said,

“Excellent question Morgan. Well…” I stopped listening and toned out.

Class finally ended and I rapidly went up to the new kid.

“Hey, are you new here?” I asked a little nervously.

“Yeah, I had a little trouble finding this room though. Do you mind showing me around?” he said, his cheeks were lightly pink.

“Sure, let me see your schedule and I’ll show ya.” I said with a little hint of shock in my voice. I’m surprised that a hot guy like him asked me that.

“Here,” giving his schedule to me, “What is Mr. Bonezack like?” he said smiling at me.

“Oh, he’s awesome, best teacher ever. Though I’m not a teacher’s pet. You’ll really love him though.” I covered my mouth to halt myself from saying anything that could sound even more perverted. He started laughing and after a bit, so did I.

It’s interesting how his voice seems like a howl at the moon. Strong, powerful, and completely soothing. Which makes sense since he DOES, evidently, have half human blood and half wolf blood to be able to change into a wolf.

“Cool, crap I forgot to introduce myself, I’m Thresh.” he said.

“Dang, I forgot too. My name is Morgan, and I am amazing.” I said grinning, slightly laughing.

“Cool, I am as well.” he said and we laughed.

“Well, it seems you’ll take the hottie role here.” I said, then realized what I said and blushed. I showed him to his next class, which is also my next class. Sadly though the preps were there too and they kept talking about how hot he was and other things that I’d rather not repeat. I looked at his schedule again. So technically his schedule matches mine exactly.

In all of our classes in the morning after history we passed notes to each other without getting caught…surprisingly. We also laughed at each other’s silly faces we made which made other kids around us laugh also and that got us a detention. It was going to be 30 minutes but Thresh made the teacher change it to 20 which no kid in our school could do.

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