Chapter 17 part 1

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I felt so bad that i haven't updated in so long! Sooooo, here's a bit of the chapter i got done so far. Enjoy! :)


Thresh's POV

I was about to go downstairs to find out what’s wrong because my parents never slam the door, and I mean NEVER. I passed dad in the hallway but he ran too fast to say anything before he was gone. I wiped away the thought and continued to hurry my way down the stairs and ask mom instead. When I was finally in the kitchen, mom was running around the kitchen like a chicken with its head cut off. She was grabbing tons of food that didn’t need to be refrigerated or specially cooked. Stuffing them in a backpack like bag, she’d continue on grabbing more food.

“Mom, what is going on?” I asked and she jumped, dropping all the food she had in her arms.

But she gathered her wits back quickly and stayed calm and talked with authority in her voice, “Thresh, gather all important things to you, fast. We are leaving and going into hiding.” she commanded and started to collect all the dropped items hurriedly.

“Why?” I questioned.

She sighed, but continued what she was doing, “We are on code red. We need to leave, NOW.” she said.

“What is code red?”

She sighed again, “Thresh, now is not the ti-”

“Yes it is. If my family is in danger, I need to know.” I stated.

She rubbed her temples, “Fine. The humans are suspicious and know where we live, curious of how we are so ‘indestructible’ and are planning on using us as test subjects. Not the normal ones but the bat shit crazy ones. And supposedly, they gathered a few crazy werewolves as well.” she explained as she worked.

I was about to respond when I heard a crash and then Morgan screaming ear piercingly.

My eyes widened and became scared as I ran as quick as I could to her room. If they hurt her or our baby, there will be hell to pay.

Morgan’s P.O.V.

Jaren was wailing in my ear as I covered him, it hurt my ear a lot but I ignored it because I’ve suffered worse and I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I let him get hurt. I heard another growl come into my room but it was closer. I cringed but I had a feeling I knew who it was. I peeked a look through my arms and saw Jake right in front of me, protecting us. He was growling viciously at the wolves in front of him.

Soon enough, Thresh was there. He was silent as he walked over to me, then he grabbed me into his arms and walked us out of the room. He put me on the kitchen table and went back upstairs to help his father deal with the problem, or at least that’s my guess.

After I watched Thresh go back up the stairs, I looked down at Jaren who had a sour look on his face but he wasn’t wailing as bad as he was in my room. I started to rock him and quiet him as best I could in such a hurried atmosphere. When Jaren was finally calm, Samantha stepped before me and looked at me seriously, not in a friendly manner.

“Morgan, we need to leave now. The boys will take care of the problem, but us three need to leave right this second, before they catch us.” she said.

I looked her over and saw she had my bag that I left when Thresh carried us away. I was hesitant to leave them, more importantly, Thresh. I looked over at the stairs worryingly. Samantha noticed my worried look and comforted me.

“They will be fine but we have to go. Please.” she gave me a scared look, looking between me and Jaren.

I took a second to think then nodded reluctantly. I looked back as we ran out the door. When we were in the brush of the trees near the house, covered and unseen, Samantha turned to look over at me.

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