Darkness of a Regalia

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While elsewhere in the Far Shore was the young Tsuya. She stood completely encased in what appeared to be spiderwebs,special ones at that which stopped her moving, let alone being called back to her mistress. Kureha. Oh how Tsuya missed Kureha who was more of a mother figure to Tsuya more than anyone. She wondered if Kureha missed her,or if she even realized she was even missing in the first place.

Quietly Tsuya lowered her head feeling a drastic amount of negativity course through her body. Never in her life had Tsuya felt such negative emotions. It was unnerving and frightening for her. She didn't want this,she didn't want to feel this. And most of she did not want these horrible emotions to cause Kureha pain. Tsuya blinked away her own tears as she struggled not to come with terms with the fact that maybe Kureha had forgotten her. Maybe she didn't need her. And maybe she would be thrown away too....just like a Nora.

"N-No she wouldnt-!" Tsuya exclaimed angrily hoping to tall herself out of these emotions but she was only greeted by the mocking voice of none other than Nora herself who seemed to appear out of the darkness. An evident smirk was plastered on her lips as she walked over to Tsuya eying the many spiderwebs which bound her. "Oh but she would and she has."Nora mocked with a cold grin as she ran her slim fingers through Tsuya's hair causing her to cringe at her touch. "You liar!" "Oh but I'm not. You've been missing for days and no one even realized it. Not even Kureha."Nora commented with a smirk as Tsuya shook her head refusing to listen to Nora's words. But deep down in her soul she felt it.

Tsuya felt as if she was being replaced and left behind by Kureha. Could it be true? While Tsuya was here suffering and praying for the safety of her Mistress, Kureha was out enjoying her life with him. Yato. "Yato is taking Kureha away from you. Now he's all she ever thinks about. She's forgotten all about poor little Tsuya. "Nora continued as Tsuya own tears never ceased. She hated hearing such painful words from Nora since the very thought of being forgotten and left alone was Tsuya most deepest darkest fear in her heart.

She didn't want to be alone,she couldn't stand the thought of being alone. And Kureha knew that better than anyone else. She wouldn't leave Tsuya alone would she? Nora watched with glee as the massive amount of spiderwebs began to emit a crimson glow which began to seep into Tsuya's very soul itself. Tainting it beyond recognition. "She left you for him,and soon she will forget all about you. All because of him. Yato."Nora taunted as slowly Tsuya's body herself was becoming tainted with one of the most horrid amounts of blight Nora ever knew.

"If you want her for yourself...."Nora began before leaning over,whispering into Tsuya's ear. "Then bring him to me." Nora whispered as Tsuya's once pure and loving eyes turned a bloody crimson. "Shes mine."Tsuya breathed as Nora smirked towards Tsuya snapping her fingers as the spiderwebs dispersed into nothing. Freeing Tsuya from her previous bindings. One of or another Nora wanted Yato and she would use any means necessary to have him. Even if she had to use one of hers and father's toys to get him. Yato would be hers.

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