Curse of a Goddess

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"Curse? What kind of curse does something like this?" Hiyori asked in confusion. Never once had she ever heard of a curse that was strong enough to restrain let alone injure a god in any shape or form. Kofuku struggled with her words hesitant to even say a single word. After all this kind of knowledge was only becoming of a god. And to break one of their laws,a law the heavenly Celestials had placed in order to protect the Gods. Their fellow children,brothers and sisters in arms was something that was rarely done let alone forgiven in their world.

"Its a curse invoked by the most sick gods, who want to punish those who would rise against them. This curse is only created by using the blood of a god and it's victim. It becomes part of the victim forever until they die. But if its placed on another god or let alone a Celestial Being it becomes a permenant marker. A tattoo if you will,and if the victim goes against the person who cursed them they will be punished by the horrible blight that will never ever go away." Kofuku stated shocking Hiyori as she struggled to take all the information she had recieved in. "In other words,my Mistress is a prisoner in her own body. And she can never escape, no matter how much she tries." Tsuya whispered, regret evident in her voice.

"Then who did this,who brought her back?" Hiyori questioned averting her gaze to the ground. Tsuya shook her head wishing she truly knew the answer,even her mistress Kureha had no idea. Or so she thought. I was something that Kureha kept hidden from Tsuya, even herself. Because in reality Kureha herself did not know everything about her rising,all she knew so far was that Nora was pulling the strings. "According to my Mistress,the woman Nora is controlling her at the moment but she feels someone was beyond Nora. Beyond everything." Tsuya stated catching even Kofuku's attention who did not know that bit of information.

Hiyori remained silent her gaze turning towards Kureha's room,where she hoped she would recover to the best of her abilities. Not because she was a Celestial Being,but because she believed Kureha was a good person. And did not deserve to suffer like this. "H-How can we help her?" Hiyori asked her voice cracking as Tsuya shook her head quietly."I don't know."She breathed,reaching over to the now shaking Kofuku whom did not like to see her friend in pain.

"So we just sit here and watch her suffer? What's does Yato say about this?" Hiyori questioned the two women as Kofuku immediately rose to her feet. "He can't know. Hiyorin you can't tell him." Kofuku cried. "She's right imagine what Yato do once he finds out. He'll do something stupid and end up getting himself killed!" Kofuku exclaimed towards Hiyori who hadn't even thought about it. She knew if Yato even got a whif of the circumstances Kureha was in he would surely do something rash. Something that she couldn't be even bear the thought of. They were right,Hiyori knew that but she didn't feel comfortable keeping this sort of secret from Yato. After all apparently he was in love with her.

Hiyori quietly averted her gaze to the ground thinking to herself quietly. " I will...keep your secret. I promise you. "Hiyori whispered, a light smile appearing on Kofuku's face as she thanked Hiyori for her cooperation. While elsewhere in her room Kureha began to stir. Groaning slightly as the burning sensation of her blight began to fade away to nothing. Her brilliant azure eyes fluttered open immediately scanning the area around her, reassuring her safety. She released a light sigh in relief before memories of her earlier encounter with her past lover Yato flashed before her eyes.

His gentle and loving touch,the way his hand caressed her cheek. Filled with so much strength,yet with the right balance of love it was incredible. Being near him,and in his arms Kureha felt safe,safer than she ever had since the old days. Uncounciously Kureha found herself touching her pale yet plump lips where Yato many times before had delivered the loving touch of his lips upon. A single tear rolled down her cheek as Yato's lingering touch radiated through her body. She wanted to be with him,more than she ever had before. But like before she knew it would be impossible. Not the way she was now.

At the moment she was more of a walking corpse than anything. Bound to her old body once buried and never to be disturbed again,was now inhabited. And by her none the less,the remnants of her once pure soul. It was the correct soul yet but it would never be whole. Not without him. Not without Yato,the one person who unknown to him held a rather large portion of her very soul. With him she felt whole,but without him she felt as if she has just crawled out of the soil she once layer in. She felt lost. Slowly Kureha brought her legs to her chest,allowing her tears to flow freely.

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