Heart of a Regalia

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After a very heated conversation with Lord Tenjin,Kureha was carefully carried into the shrine by Yato. And then placed into one of the many purified bathrooms. This room was completely made of ageless grey stone which by itself was blessed by the Heavenly Beings themselves. Just as the water itself was blessed by the divine entities. At the very touch of the stone and water on her blight covered flesh was enough to send Kureha into a screaming frenzy. But she bit her tongue as the purified water bathed her body. Outside the door Yato could hear her struggled cries as Kofuku and Hiyori helped ease the blight abit.

Yato turned towards Daikoku who was hesitant to look the ex God of Calamity in the eye. "Do you really think Tsuya would do this?"He breathed as Daikoku took a deep breathe choosing his words wisely. "Tsuya.....hasn't been the same since you have returned her Mistress's life-"Daikoku began as an image of the young Tsuya appeared in his mind. Tsuya was a sweet and soft spoken girl,who loved life. But most of all she Kureha.

Ever since Daikoku could remember since Kureha's sudden return to this world. Tsuya was always by her side. A young a faithful regalia who had nothing butter utter love for Kureha. Already Daikoku recalled the night when Kureha first met Tsuya. Of course the regalia went by a completely different name but none the less it was the beginning of a bond that would never be severed. And could not be severed with ease. It was the third night that Kureha was brought back to this world. And to her surprise in the same shell of a body she once severed ties with long ago.

It angered and both saddened Kureha to be forced back into the sickly husk of a body once again. She was distraught and was on the brink of giving into the darkness in this world,and in her own heart. Kureha has no wishes to become Nora's or Father's puppet on strings. All she wanted was to be free. Truly free from this world and to be left alone in peace. It was all she ever wanted. On mutiple occasions Kofuku had stopped Kureha from committing one of the ultimate sins in their world. The suicide of a Celestial Being was a curse among curses.

For if Kureha were to end her life there was no guarantee should ever return to this world. Ever. But even Kofuku's words fell on deaf ears for someone who wanted to die so badly. Even Lady Kofuku was on the verge of giving up on Kureha. She was tired of struggling to save someone who didn't want to be saved. It was a growing pain in Kofuku's side. One she was tired of. It was that day that Kureha was once again that Kureha came across a young spirit in desperate need of help.

The spirit was a young girl in her early teens,with big almond shaped eyes and curly brunette which was tied up in a loose ponytail which rested on her shoulder. It was none other than Tsuya who ran as fast as her feet could carry her. For Phantoms had become attracted to her smell and was in jeopardy of becoming a Phantom herself. The young Tsuya cried for anyone to help her as Phantoms wrapper themselves around her body. Mimicking her hearts deepest emotions. "Help me" "Please help me" "No one will save me?" "Then I should end it? End it all" The voices mimicked causing Tsuya to shed tears of fear and pain.

This was how she was going to die? Being plagued by her own dark emotions and taken over by these monsters? Tsuya shook her head as the Phantoms began to engulf her body,blighting her to no end. Her almond shaped eyes peered up to the night sky,only to see a brief image of her soon to be master Kureha. This spirit had pulled at her heart strings,she continued to fight through the darkness where Kureha had given up. She had brought out the warrior inside of Kureha.

Kureha charged towards the girl her hand outstretched for Tsuya. "Take my hand!"She commanded as the tearfilled girl struggled to reach Kureha's. The moment their hands touched a blinding white light surrounded the two washing away the Phantoms and blight in sight. The girl stared in awe towards the goddess before her never once seeing anyone as beautiful or as strong as Kureha. Kureha smiled a true smile towards the girl before holding the girl like a lost child. It was then the young girl sobbed,clinging onto her saivor you dear life. "Please-! Don't leave me!"She cried.

Kureha couldn't help but to smile warmly towards the girl before wiping away the brimming tears from her face. "I will never leave you,because I need you as much as you need me."Kureha whispered to the sobbing teen. The sobbing teen gripped onto Kureha tightly before agreeing to remain by Kureha's side forever. It was then that the bond between Goddess and regalia was created. Kureha bestowed upon the sobbing girl anew name and a new future. It was because of this that Kureha couldn't even fathom Tsuya betraying her. She couldn't betray her. She wouldn't.

But the blight did not lie,she was indeed being blighted by hew most trusted friend. The person she thought of as a daughter was hurting her. But why? What had driven Tsuya to such a state? And most of all where was Tsuya?

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