Curiosity of a God

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Yato sat at the center of old man Tenjin's shrine,sitting rather comfortably on a crimson pillow. The old man took a swig from his long pipe before blowing the contents of it into the air around them. "I wasn't expecting a visit from you yet,Yatogami." Tenjin informed him,taking another swig of his pipe. "Trust me I wasn't either,but I need answers. And your the only one I know who can answer them." Yato stated catching the old god's attention.

"You don't say? Well then let's here it." Tenjin said with a welcoming smile. Yato sat up on the cushion, biting his bottom lip before he spoke. "Celestial Maidens....tell me about them." The blue eyed god requested,immediately Tenjin ceased his carefree attitude and became abit serious. It was not everyday that someone especially a god requested infromation about the Celestial Beings.

"The Celestial Beings,are heavenly entities which have watched over us Gods and humans of the Near Shore since the every beginning. They are beings that are extremely powerful, more than us Gods. Humans believe that the Celestials are from the Moon." Tenjin began before one of his many regalia entered the room. Bowing respectfully before offering him and his guest Yato tea. Which the two happily agreed to.

"If that's the case how are Celestials born?" Yato questioned,taking a quick sip of his tea. Tenjin thought for a moment before answering the young God. "That has not been confirmed. Some believe that Celestials are born from the positive energy from us Gods. Other believe they willed themselves into creation. While to more....radical people believe Celestials are born from the untainted spirits of a human. If untained the soul is reborn onto another plane becoming a Celestial. But we do not truly know. Why ask this,Yatogami?" Tenjin asked, and that was when Yato explained. He explained being saved by a woman who gave off an almost godlike energy and was able to heal him instantly with a single chant. And most importantly he explained the woman was one he had met more that 300 years ago.

Tenjin remained silent for a moment, taking off the information he had received in before speaking. "If what you say is true then perhaps she is a Celestial. And one of the very first to come to " Near Shore". This wasn't a coincidence Yato. She is here for a reason."Tenjin stated as Yato rose to his feet,thanking the fellow God for his information before dashing off into the distance. He had to find her. He had to find Kureha,and wanted to know how she came to be. And why.

While elsewhere resting in a nearby forest with her fellow Regalia by her side. Kureha lay slumped against a tree,slowly regaining her strength from the recent blight which plagued her body. It didn't help to know that it was Nora and another entity which held her very existence in the palm of their hands. She sighed,wiping the beads of sweat from her for head.

Kureha recalled when her soul was called upon and chained to this body how utterly confused she was. One moment she was shapeless,floating along with no destination in particular only to be lured and chained to a body not meant to be animated again. This body was rotten,sentenced to the ground years and years yet someone took the time to revive the body. Return it to its original life like state for her soul to use. But why?

Quietly Kureha stared down at her left arm,where the kanji symbols written in blood and blight remained. When she opened her eyes in this body these symbols were placed upon her,to keep her in line in other words. According to Nora she was a rumored "Celestial" but with the blight restricting her power and movement she was more of a halfling. Even so Kureha had power,power to fight off the might Bishamon and to save him. To save Yato.

But really it was she who needed saving,she needed him to save her from this existence and free her from the body. Then she could be free,and be reincarnated the way she should have without the chains that currently bound her. Kureha released a heavy sigh catching the attention of Tsuya who asked if she was alright. Kureha smiled warmly towards her faithful regalia. Slowly raising to her feet and patting the young teen on the head. "I'm alright Tsuya." She breathed hoping to reassure the young girl.

Tsuya nodded sheepishly before turning around sensing a familiar presence nearby belonging to a God. Noticing this presence as well Kureha extended her hand for Tsuya calling out to her."Tsuki!" Immediately Tsuya's body burst into a brilliant white light before reconstructing herself into a beautifully crafted azure and silver naginata. Kureha gripped onto her "Tsuki" sensing the presence behind her,she immediately twirled the naginata between her fingertips swiping behind her to meet the bright blue eyes she had grown to love centuries ago.

Kureha's mouth went dry as her "Tsuki" rested against Yato's neck who remained still. His bright blue eyes staring at Kureha with thousands of emotions swirling within them. "Yaboku." Kureha breathed, slowly lowering the blade from his neck.

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