Sacrifice of a God

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While elsewhere on the top side of the Near Shore Yato angrily banged his fists against the ground. Irritation striking him hard as he bit his bottom lip in anger. How could he had been so blind? How did he not realize it? How distant his Kureha had become. How she seemed to accept her fate no matter how tragic. Because she knew. Kureha knew her time was running out,and she didn't say a word about it. In frustration tears cascaded down his cheeks. How could she do this? How could she give up so easily on everything they fought for? On their love? On her cursed destiny? Angrily Yato slammed his fist against a nearby tree watching as it began to crumble under the young God's touch. This even made his own fellow regalia;Yukine take a few steps respectively back. Knowing now would not be a wise time to be near his master. But that did not dull his utter concern for his master.

Even Yukine noticed how Yato acted around the Celestial Being Kureha. He was strong,courageous,and willing to do anything to make her happy. He was the kind of God that Yukine would be proud to protect. And he wanted to keep it that way. Hiyori watched the distraught Yato,tears evident in her eyes. For she knew there was absolutely no way she could help to situation. But there was someone who could. Someone who knew the loopholes of the Underworld. And that was Lady Kofuku,who dearly loved Kureha like her sister. But for knew the road to saving her would be dangerous. Then again she knew Yato would be willing to risk it all. Even his life.

She immediately tore her gaze from the Yato God,to see the sobbing Tsuya. Who seemed to crumble at the thought of not seeing her mistress. Lady Kofuku couldn't take it,she had to say something. Even if she would be punished for breaking the laws of the Far Shore,she had to say it. She had to help her dear friends no matter the cost. Biting her bottom lip the pink haired goddess made her way towards the frustrated Yato. Speaking the few words the Yato God desperately wanted to hear with all his being.

"I know how to save Kureha."Upon hearing her words Yato turned his gaze towards Kofuku,demanding she tell him. And with great hesitation she did. "You need to travel through a vent to the Underworld,but it's dangerous. If the vent closes you'll be trapped forever in the Underworld with Lady Izanami." Kofuku began only to have the eyes of Yato,Yukine,and Tsuya upon her. "I don't care! I'm going after her."Yato declared as Yukine stood his side agreeing to aid his master on his quest. And asking Kofuku to open a vent to help them in their perilous rescue. But she refused. " can't save her...not with just Yukine."Kofuku began hesitantly.

Yato peered towards Kofuku in a confused manner,demanding she explain exactly what she meant. Lady Kofuku then turned towards the young regalia Tsuya. Who began to wipe away her brimming tears. "Tsuya,would you be willing to become a Nora to save her?"Kofuku asked,the words seeming to rock Tsuya to the core. It was true she loved Kureha,and would do absolutely anything for her. But could she do this? Could she become someone she hated? A Regalia with multiple names? A curse upon this world? And most of all would she ever be worthy of Kureha again?

Quietly she peered towards the determined Yato God who stood before her with his hand outstretched for her. "If you can do this,I will make you my regalia and we will save her. Once and for all."Yato declared,his hand outstretched towards the trembling regalia. She wants to see her again,she wanted to save her from the Underworld. From a fate she knew her mistress truly did not deserve. And to that. Tsuya was willing to risk her name. She placed a hand over her chest where in Kano her blessed name was etched upon the delicate flesh.

She could do this and she would. For the one person who always loved her. She would risk it all. Tsuya placed her hand in Yato's a look of utter determination evident on her face. "I will become a Nora for her."Tsuya declared as a bright white light whipped around the regalia and Yato God signalling exactly what he was about to do. Bestow another name upon the already faithful and named regalia. "You with no place to call home."Yato began as Tsuya closed her eyes tightly preparing to never turn back. To receive the power she needed to save her mistress.

"Come to me! Tsukine!"Yato called out as immediately "Tsukine's" body dispersed into a bright white light before reappearing in Yato's hand as she slowly began to reshape. Becoming a very long yari. Only she was a dual edged yari with azure blades that seemed to twinkle in the light. Yukine stared in awe as Yato effortlessly twirled "Tsukine" between his fingers tips before ending his brief session with her. "Tsuki"Yato breathed as Tsukine quickly reverted to her human form,all the while staring towards the new name branded on her right wrist.

She quietly peered towards the Yato God before finding Kofuku now opening a vent using her Kokki. "Go! I'll keep it open as long as I can!"She called out as Yato nodded,thanking her before beginning to jump into the dark void. But he stopped himself. He then turned to see a smiling Hiyori who mouthed the words "Go get her" a smile formed on his face as Yato jumped into the vent calling upon his two regalia who immediately took their weapon forms. Already he could feel the darkness threatening to overtake him.

But Yato would not allow that,he would find Kureha no matter what. Even if he had to stay here in her place. So be it.

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