Angered God

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Elsewhere a excited Hiyori Iki rushed down the stairs of her home. Hurriedly bidding her mother farewell before bounding down the asphalt sidewalk to school. For the last few months her normal life had taken a very interesting turn. She had once been a normal highschool student,worried about passing her classes and keeping up with the latest gossip. Especially when it came to her little secret pleasure fighting.

It went from being completely normal to one that was not so normal. Her days were now filled with the abnormality of seeing the darkness which plagued the many people around her. Their beady eyes searching left and right for their next victims. They were what were called Phantoms. The demons in their world which sought to damage the souls and ultimately kill the person.

Usually a god would take care of the situation, but their came a time where Hiyori would take things into her own hands. Even if she had been warned over and over again not to draw attention to herself by attacking the Phantoms. Sometimes she just couldn't help it. And today was such a day.

While walking to school Hiyori noticed a single Phantom which seemed to be clinging to the back of a young teen who wore the same male uniform which belonged to her school. "Useless. Im useless. Useless. Better off without me. Useless!" The Phantom micked its negative energy reflecting on the young boy it clung to.

Who's body shook violently while peering towards the railroad tracks which stood before him. Tempting him to end it,it was the perfect time too. Because barrelling at top speed was the local train with no intent on stopping. "Wait!" Hiyori called out to the boy as he stepped forward onto the track. Staring the very train in its bright white lights. At top speed,and her slightly waving violet tale behind her. Hiyori jumped from her body which lay snoring on the ground in the middle of the sidewalk.

Many people stopped to shake her body,asking if she was alright. But at the moment her body was not her top priority, she dove head first for the boy. The train sounding off its loud whistle,alerting him it could not stop. With her hands stretched out Hiyori dove for the boy only to be best to the punch by a certain "Jersey Wearing God" Yato roughly grabbed the boy by the back of his shirt dragging him out of the way of the oncoming train. While Hiyori bounded into the air calling out a certain wrestling kick before making contact with the small Phantom.

It released a light squeal before dissipating into nothing. "Baka Hiyori! I've told you about taking these things head on." Yato stated, gripping onto the pure white blade in his grip. Hiyori pouted lightly,her tail flickering behind her. "But it was a small one!" She pointed out as Yato sighed shaking his head beginning his explanation once more as to why Hiyori should keep a low profile. But was silenced by his cell phone ringing.

He immediately answered it with his bubbly personality as usual. "Hello,Hello! Yato's God-" Yato began his bubbly demeanor changing to a series manner. "I'm on my way." Yato stated ending the phone call before bounding at top speed away from Hiyori.With a confused look on her face Hiyori stood in place while Yukine asked Yato what exactly was going on.

"I wish I could tell you Yukine,I'm not too sure myself." Yato answered jumping from building to building to see the bright sky above him beam down a stream of gold light down into the forest. According to his informant a strange vent had from the sky emitting a strange energy which was almost God like.

Soon Yato made his way towards the clearing where the light from the sky had centered on and was shocked to see the gold light surrounding the cherry blossom tree for where many memories were still raw for him. "No!" Yato shouted ramming his body into the light before being forced away by a sudden Borderline that had been drawn.

"The hell?!" Yato shouted before the thousands of sakura bloosoms began to wilt away into nothing."Y-Yato?" Yukine asked quietly as a hoard of wolf shaped Phantoms appeared before them. Snarling with foam dripping from their chops, threatening to attack the "Jersey Wearing God."

Yato glared towards the Phantoms,swearing to never allow them to desecrate the shallow grave under the Cherry Blossom Tree a moment longer. "Yukine." Yato breathed catching the attention of the stunned god,who held onto him with a clammy hand. "Help me Yukine. Please." Yato breathed,his azure gaze glued to the strange vent before them.

Yukine had never once seen Yato act in such away. So driven,so dark it was as if he was a completely other person. He was his 'Master' yes. But something about him just seemed off to him,but Yukine could not say no to his creator. His master,the one who gave him a name. And brought him from the darkness and brought Yukine to the light. And gave him a new meaning in life. To protect him.

The grip on Yukine's hilt tightened as Yukine gave his approval to the god before him. "Let's go. Yukine." Yato stated in a irregular monotone,before charging towards the vent at top speed. Gripping onto his "Sekki" tightly before slashing through the wolf shaped Phantoms. Before coming across what Yato figured to be the main Phantom,responsible for the little ones appearances.

Yato held his regalia in front of him,beginning to chant an incantation as his blade was overcome by a lovely silver glow. "Rend!" Yato shouted as with a single swipe of his blade the severing the larger Phantom in half. It released a struggled and final howl before dissipating into nothing. Almost immediately the strange amber light which poured from the sky seemed to dissapear as well.

Quietly Yato called Yukine's name,bidding him to return to his human form. Which he gladly did in a burst of white light,and stood beside the silent god. Who's gaze lingered on the damaged remains of the cherry blossom tree which once bloomed lovely blush hued blooms. But now it was a mere shell of what it use to be. Devoid of any budding let alone blooming flowers on its bare branches.

The Phantoms had poisoned the once sacred place Yato held dear in his heart. Their secret rendezvous where the two lovers would meet was now nothing. He had broken his promise to her,and now nothing remained of their long yet not forgotten love.

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