Healing of a Goddess

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Carefully Tsuya hurriedly carries her mistress,Kureha through the city undetected. Searching for the one person in this city for whom she and her Mistress had the utter most faith in. This person was one whom the two girls could turn to no matter what the problem. Ever since Kureha's awakening this person had secretly been aiding her in the battle of blight which plagued Kureha. Along with the chains which bound Kureha to the Near Shore and in a body that was never to be disturbed ever again. Kureha released a painful groan as the blight written in kanji across her body began to react. Sending wave after wave of firey pain through her body.

Sweat cascaded down Kureha's for head as she held back the urge to release pain filled cry. "Please just hold on abit longer,Mistress Kureha." Tsuya pleaded gripping onto her mistress as she quickened her pace. Bound in from building to building hoping to make it to their destination as quickly as possible. Kureha gripped onto Tsuya's shoulders, continuing to ignore the urge to cry. By it was getting harder and harder each moment. The pain continued to increase,pulsating through her body to the point where Kureha wanted to scratch at her own skin till it bled to make the pain stop.

"T-Tsuya!" Kureha cried as Tsuya abruptly jumped
landing in front of a medium sized temple belonging to a certain pink haired deity. The Goddess of Poverty,Lady Kofuku. "Lady Kofuku! Daikoku!" Tsuya called out into the temple before being greeted by the pink haired goddess Kofuku. Who stared towards them in a terrified manner. "Kureha!" Kofuku cried before her fairly large almost giant of a man appeared. Standing in front of his fellow Goddess his eyes wide in shock as he watched the continuing flaring blight which wracked Kureha's body with pain.

"Borderline!" Daikoku shouted creating a barrier which forced Tsuya and Kureha away. Tsuya screamed as the two were thrown backwards, hitting a large tree in the process. Kureha shrieked in pain as her back made contact with the tree, she gritted her teeth while forcing back pain filled tears. "P-Please Lady Kofuku! Lady Kureha needs help!" Tsuya begged the clad in pink Goddess who stood appearing to be torn between her dear friends and her protective Regalia. "Daikoku let them in." Kofuku ordered as her large regalia looked to his goddess in utter confusion. "But my Lady! The Blight-" "I don't care, let them in now!" Kofuku ordered,Daikoku sighed lowering the barrier.

Kofuku rushed to her friends,helping Tsuya to her feet. Who in returned picked up Kureha since Kofuku herself was unable to touch her friend due to the blight. Carefully Tsuya carried Kureha into the temple,exchanging glares towards Daikoku as she was ordered to bring Kureha into the bathroom. Where already a tub full of purified bathwater awaited her. Kureha shivered in pain as she was carefully stripped and set into the now searinng water which burned every inch of her body because of the blight. Gently Tsuya began to scrub Kureha's body clean of the oncoming blight. Kureha gritted her teeth,while forcing back a cry as the purifying water cascaded down her entire body. Almost increasing the immense pain in her body.

Kofuku listened from her room,covering her ears to block out the echoing screams of Kureha. Daikoku sighed lightly placing a gentle hand on her shoulder to reassure her everything would be alright. But even he knew he could not promise his Goddess that. There was something strange about the blight on Kureha that frankly scared Daikoku. To be honest he didn't want her even in the temple for fear of being contaminated by the strange blight along with Kofuku. He was beyond himself when Kofuku objected to keeping Kureha at a distance. Daikoku understood that Kureha was an old friend of both Kofuku and Yato,but ever since her random appearance he had a bad feeling about her. And what is to come.

"Daikoku, we meet to put up a borderline. The purification process can't be interrupted." Kofuku ordered,Daikoku nodded stepping forward to the door to create the borderline. Only to be interrupted and surprised by the appearance of Hiyori Iki who appeared to be out of breathe. "Kofuku-" Hiyori called out struggling to catch her breathe while making eye contact with Daikoku. "I need to talk to Kofuku now!" She shouted desperately catching Kofuku's attention from inside. "Hiyorin!" Kofuku called out to her dear friend. Daikoku sighed lightly,allowing Hiyori inside. Hiyori kicked off her shoes and ran to Kofuku inside her room,immediately bowing before the Goddess. "Kofuku I need to talk to you about-" Hiyori began only to be interrupted by the never ending screams of Kureha. Filled with nothing but pure pain which surged throughout the entire temple.

"What was that?" Hiyori asked,raising to her feet and following the path of the screams. "Hiyorin don't!" Kofuku called out rushing after the teenage girl. Only to catch the girl staring in utter shock and fear of Kureha,hunched over the side of the tub. Gritting her teeth as the blight written in kanji radiated off her very skin gave off a never ending pain. As Tsuya regretfully continued to dose her mistress in the purified well water. "What's going on here?!" Hiyori exclaimed alerting Tsuya who accidentally dropped a small bucket,who was shocked to see Hiyori again.

"Y-You." Tsuya whispered in shock as Hiyori ran towards the thrashing and trembling Kureha. She flinched as her shaky hands made contact with Kureha's searing flesh,which earned another cry of pain from Kureha. "Don't Hiyorin!" Kofuku called out hesitant to come anywhere near the blight infested Kureha. After a few more screaming fits Kureha passed out in the cold tub,with Hiyori and Tsuya to help her carry Kureha to a empty bed. Carefully the two girls layed Kureha's weak form on a bed,gently covering her with a blanket. Quietly Hiyori closed the door to Kureha's room demanding to speak to Kofuku right now.

"Why is Kureha here? And what as wrong with her?" Hiyori asked as both Tsuya and Kofuku sat in front of Hiyori with serious expressions on their faces. "Its Blight, a rare case of Blight given to my Mistress by a tainted ex regalia." Tsuya began biting her bottom lip as she continued to speak. " Lady Kofuku is the only person we could trust to help us with this. But no matter how much purified water we have it won't wipe out the blight. " Tsuya informed as Hiyori shook her head"Why? How's that even possible?"She asked as Kofuku gritted her teeth "Because it's a curse." She breathed.

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