The Voice of a Goddess

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Tsuya slowly turned her head to meet the deep azure pools of the one person she trusted. The one person she loved entirely. Kureha. Her eyes were wide in both disbelief and confusion but soon settled as she noticed the large gaping of hole in Kureha's chest which began to pour from it. Tsuya knew it hurt,she knew Kureha must have been in A catastrophic amount of pain. Yet Kureha continued to smile warmly towards Tsuya before wrapping her arms around the stunned Tsuya. "M-Mistress....I thought-"Tsuya began only to be silenced by Kureha who stated "I couldn't bear to leave you behind....not like this. "Kureha whispered to Tsuya who couldn't believe her very ears.

She had betrayed the person who gave her,her name. The person who believed in her and loved her. The person who always spoke so kindly to her. And here she stood ready to forgive Tsuya who all the sins she had committed in her masters name. She couldn't believe,no more like she couldn't understand why. Why was Kureha showing her so much compassion in spite of all she had done? She had not only hurt Kureha but also her lover Yato,yet she still wanted to save her.

",no!"Tsuya exclaimed as the horrible blight lashed out towards Kureha. Yet she did not hide not fight it. Kureha merely tightened her grip around her dear friend begging her to come to her senses. "Tsubasa,open yourself to me."Kureha whispered before closing her eyes and beginning to beseech the very heavens themselves. "Those who look over the Gods I summon thee! Free my regalia from the confines of darkness!"Kureha called out as a brilliant gold and azure light flooded th entire area. Whipping the blight away as if it were in fact the plagues that swallowed Egypt so long ago.

Nora screamed at the bright light before immediately ducking for cover. Afraid the beautiful light would in fact end her life as she knew it. While Yato covered his head hoping the light would not blind him. Before he knew it Lady Kofuku and Daikoku appeared at the scene along with Tenjin who stared in awe at the light. "She truly is a Celestial Being."He breathed before the brilliant light too began to pour from Kureha's very chest sending a pillar of azure and gold light into the night air. Almost seeming to peirce the very heavens themselves.

Now full bathed in the warm light belonging to her master Tsuya couldn't help but to smile weakly towards Kureha. Already feeling her true self returning. "Tsubasa-"Kureha began as she held Tsuya now going by her true name smiled warmly towards Kureha. "You are my regalia,my one and only true friend. Surely you know this?" Kureha began as she wiped the tears which already began to roll down Tsubasa's cheeks. "B-But you spent all your time with Yato and....Nora said you-" "How could you believe Nora over me?" Kureha asked.

Tsubasa sniffed as she wiped away her oncoming tears. "I-I don't know! I-I just....I just...."Tsubasa began as she hiccuped slightly due to her tears. "You just wanted me to love you,is that it?"Kureha asked snapping Tsubasa out of her current thoughts. Is that what she wanted? For Kureha to love her? Kureha smiled before planting a gentle kiss on Tsubasa's forhead. Causing the young regalia to stare at her in utter confusion.

"My silly little Tsuya, I already love you. And I have always loved you. You are my regalia and my child."Kureha spoke as Tsubasa couldn't help but to hug Kureha tightly refusing to ever let go. "I know! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"She cried as Kureha gently patted her head " It's alright now,no more tears. We have to go back now."She told the young sobbing regalia who nodded with a gentle smile. Kureha couldn't help but to smile back as the brilliant light faded away revealing to two hugging forms of Tsuya and Kureha. This greatly enraged Nora as she then made a run for it,only to be stopped by Yukine who angrily punched her in the face. Causing her to tumble to the ground,holding onto her reddened cheek."That's for hurting Yato!"He declared before rushing over to Yato.

"You certainly took your time."Yato commented weakly earning a light smile from Yukine."I showed up didn't i?"Yukine asked with a smile as Yato watched his beloved Kureha who now held her regalia in her arms. "Yeah you did,you really did."Yato whispered as Kureha smiled happily towards him. Which in return caused him to smile. As long as Kureha was happy he was happy. That was all Yato cared about,and she knew that all too well.

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