Sovereignty of a Goddess

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"Yaboku."Kureha whispered,her voice filled with love but also a hint of sadness. This caught Yato's attention along with the others who quietly watched the two of them. With a gentle smile Kureha pressed her kid against his ear before whispering two words to him. Words that Yato had dreaded since she had first appeared before him. He feared these words and prayed this time would never come,but it seemed his prayer was ignore by the Celestial beings above. "It's time."Kureha breathed before releasing her grip on the stunned Yato,who watches as a brilliant azure light rippled around Kureha. Already Tsuya knew what was happening. The time had finally come. Kureha was finally going to pass on. Tsuya struggled to hold back her sobs as she watched the scene unfold before her.

Yato shook his head refusing to believe that now it was her time. After he had just gotten her back how could fate be so cruel? "Why now?! I just got you back! And your leaving already."Yato muttered trying his best to hold back his tears. Kureha smiled sadly towards her lover before reaching her hand out for him. Daring to you him once more. "I know,I am so sorry. But I can't stay here anymore. You freed me Yaboku. I can finally move on."She stated as the azure light increased in brightness almost to the point you were almost unable to see Kureha.

Wind whipped around her,tossing her long flowing raven hair around her. Blocking her face from view. And she was glad. She did not want him to see her tears. She didn't want him to know that she was in pain too. Kureha wanted the last thing Yaboku remembered about her. Was her final smile. Forcing his way through the light Yato wrapped his arms around Kureha once more. Refusing to let her go. "I told you I wouldn't let you go,and I meant it. I'll stay with you,until the very end."Yato whispered to Kureha as she instinctively gripped onto Yato allowing her tears to flow freely. He wanted to be with her the moment she disappeared. And deep down that is what Kureha wanted as well. This was the man she had fallen for. The man she had risked her life for tine and time again to be with.

And at that moment she realized she had no regret in any of her choices. She could never regret meeting Yaboku. For he had shown her so much happiness in her life. Happiness she knew only he could bring her. And she cherished every moment of it. "I love you."Kureha whispered to Yato her voice cracking at the end as she felt something begin to pull at her chest. She knew what it was,and she didn't dare fight it. Slowly her body began to feel limp in Yato's grip as she tipped her head back allowing a brilliantly bright azure light to pour from her chest.

She gasped at the sight of her own soul. Never did Kureha think she. Old possess such a beautiful and pure soul. This is the soul that made her a candidate for becoming a Celestial being. This is the soul that was trapped in her sickly body. And thus was the soul that brought her dear Yaboku to her. "It's beautiful."Kureha muttered before feeling her body become unnaturally heavy. She struggled to catch her breathe before gazing upon Yaboku one last time before she slowly closed her eyes before him.

Yato called out for Kureha asking her to open her eyes. To speak to him once more,but already he could tell she was no more. The only thing he held in his arms was the empty shell of her body. Yato cried out for Kureha as his tears landed on her cold cheeks. She was gone and this time it was for good. He knew that but it still hurt. He peered up towards her floating soul which took the form of the woman he loved. She now wore an all white kimono and held a peaceful expression on her face.

"Take care of Tsuya for me."Kureha whispered before reciting a phrase towards Tsuya. Tsuya gasped as she watched the name she had been given to her by Kureha fade away leaving nothing behind. She had released her,knowing she did not want to be a Nora. Tears rolled down Kureha's cheeks as she thanked everyone for being there for her. And for being her friends. Her eyes landed on Yato who struggled not to break down where he stood. "I love you Yaboku,never forget that."She whispered before finally disappearing from sight. Leaving a sobbing Tsukine and Yato behind.

Kureha would never be forgotten by those who's hearts she touched. She will always be the kind and loving person Yaboku met the day do long ago. And he would never forget her. Not ever. For she would live on forever in his heart and his memory.

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