Regalia vs A God

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Yato quickly bounds out of the way in the nick of time. Earning an irritated growl from Tsuya who swung her naginata in the air straight at him. Barely missing him by an inch. She wasn't playing around. Already Yato could feel the blood lust eminating from the tainted regalia. She was far from the sweet trusting Tsuya that Kureha loved so much. Right now she was no better than a typical phantom. Yato gritted his teeth cursing himself for this sudden twist of fate as Tsuya slashed towards him once more,this time knicking Yato's right cheek.

It was then the familar sting of Blight made itself evident to the Yato God. He wiped away the accursed blight from his face before turning to Tsuya who held a pleased expression on her face. "Did that hurt,Yato God?"She spat before this time running at Yato at top speed. Yato braced himself knowing that he couldn't hurt Tsuya but on the other hand he couldn't afford to die. Not here. And not yet. Becoming distracted by his own thoughts Yato was then kicked square in the face by Tsuya as she sent his body flying in mid air. But she wasn't done yet.

She took this opportunity to throw her naginata towards the falling Yato. Hoping to hit him dead center in the chest and end this battle. Realizing what she had planned Yato in midair changed his position before extending his hand towards the naginata which was now hurling towards him. Knowing this would be painful he braced himself as he clasped his hand around the blight covered weapon. Already the horrid sting of Blight coursed through his body. Mocking him.

Telling him he was weak. Telling him he was a foolish God for even trying to control it's darkness. But Yato ignored the taunts and the pain before he aimed the blade of the naginata towards the in shock Tsuya. Who took a few steps away fearfully, but her fear was soon replaced with anger as the sudden appearence of crimson spiderwebs wrapped around her body at every angle. Yet it seemed they did not lower her mobility whatsoever. They just seemed to be attached to her,but why?

It was then Yato noticed the webs were indeed attached to Nora who watched their battle with a glint in her eyes. "I wonder....will you kill her to save yourself? Or will you forfeit your life to the woman you love's regalia. Which will you choose Yato?"She commented with a small giggle. This struck a nerve as Yato changed the trijectory of his fall once more and aimed the naginata towards the puzzled Nora. "I choose neither! Nora!"He exclaimed before hurling the blight covered naginata towards the manipulating Nora. Yet she merely smirked before snapping her fingers as in a blur Tsuya appeared in front of her.

Her eyes glazed over by her own negative emotions as she used a borderline to block the naginata. Which now layed at her feet beckoning her to weild it once more. And she did. Picking up the blight covered naginata, Tsuya quickly lashed out towards Yato. Slashing him across the chest quite deeply causing him to cringe in pain. He slolwy slumped to his knees,while his hand covered the now fresh wound with both blood and blight dripping from the cut. Yato gritted his teeth already feeling the effect of the blight slowing his reflects and train of thought. In his current state he was a good as dead.

Tsuya smirked as she stood in front of the weakened Yato God,with her naginata in hand. Fully prepared to deliver the finishing strike. She then raised the naginata over her head before she spoke "She is mine!"She exclaimed before bringing the naginata down swiftly onto Yato but was stopped at the sudden sound of her name. Which seemed to reach the very depths of her now tainted soul. "Tsuya!"Called out a distressed Kureha who stood at the shrine doorway.

Kureha appeared to be in horrid pain with blight covering her body from head to toe. Yet here she stood in front of her fellow regalia no doubt. Fully determined to end this senseless fighting. Nora growled before beckoning Tsuya to kill Kureha and end it all,but her words fell of deaf ears as Kureha struggled to make her way to Tsuya. Her breathing was heavily labored and her steps were quite sluggish and she almost seemed to drag her body to her.

"S-Stop this Tsuya!"Kureha cried out to her beloved friend before wrapping her arms around the blight covered Tsuya. Tsuya remained perfectly still,the darkness continuing to take a toll on her very soul. "M-Mistress...."Tsuya breathed as Nora glared towards the two.

"Kill her!"Nora called out as Tsuya struggled while gripping onto the blight covered naginata. Fully prepared to end her master by her own hand. "If killing me will ease your suffering...then do it."Kureha whispered her grip tightening on her dear regalia as Tsuya very body trembled under her touch. Tsuya then aimed the naginata at Kureha's very heart as Yato's eyes widened in fear. He was going to lose her. After searching for so long and now she was slipping between his fingers. "Kureha!"Yato screamed as the blight covered naginata was plunged into his beloveds chest.

He stared at his love as he watched her very body tumble to the ground. The naginata wedged between her ribs. Tsuya stared towards the weakening form of Kureha,regret immediately settling in her being as she let out blood curdling scream into the night air.

She had murdered the only person who ever cared out about. The only person who truly loved her and adored her. Now she had nothing. There was nothing for Tsuya to live her. Quietly she aimed the blade of the naginata to her chest. Ready to end her life as she knew it.

But something stopped her,something Tsuya was not expecting anyway. Something she believed she had snuffed out of her life.

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