Isabelle Olympus part 11

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Hey guys! Here's the next chapter. Please let me know what you think. Enjoy!

My rampage seemed to scare the gods into action as more demigods were claimed in the next two weeks then in the last year! There was a sudden flow of heroes and cabins were fuller than ever, I was so proud of them. After thousands of years they were finally taking responsibility for all of their children, not only the ones they wanted to.

However, this spurt of claiming their children didn’t last long. They soon slipped back into their old ways and fewer and fewer kids were arriving at the camp. At first I thought they had just run out of kids to claim but I soon realised that they had stopped trying. I wanted to go on another rampage and the only thing that held me back was Iris. She said that if I went off at them too often they would become immune to it and not listen to me when I really needed it. I had to admit that she had a point, even if I didn’t like it, so I settled for grumbling about it around Dionysus, who seemed to take my view on things.

“If they’re going to make these kids to dump on me, they might as well tell us which cabin to put them in. It makes it so much more difficult for us, what with these kids whining that ‘I don’t know who my parents are, boohoo.’ It gets very annoying.”  Dionysus said the first time he overheard me complaining about the rest of the gods. He may pretend that he only cared about his own convenience but he actually cared about the kids, even if only a small bit, and didn’t think it was right to leave them in the dark. Maybe it was being here and seeing what they went through, but he was definitely on my side of things.

I had met up with Connor a few times since our last date, and things were going well. I had been sure to keep them quiet so that the Aphrodite girls didn’t catch wind of them, but still stories about them still covered the front page of The God, The Bad and The Ugly. I don’t know where they were getting their stories from or who was tipping them off so that they were there ready to take a picture of us, but it was really starting to annoy me.

“I mean who are they to delve into my private life?” I demanded whilst pacing my room. Iris was sprawled across my bed reading a copy of the magazine, which had started my rant. “It’s none of their business what I do or who I date. And what makes it so much more embarrassing is now my fathers have taken to buying that magazine just so that they can keep tabs on me!” I yelled throwing my hands up in the air.

“I’m sorry to say this to you Izzy, but you’re fresh news. You’re the only new thing to happen at Olympus in about two thousand years. And there is only so many times they can print about Aphrodite’s affair with Ares, before people stop buying the magazine or Aphrodite shuts them down. They’ll be trying to get stories from you for another couple of hundred years before they get bored.” What! Another couple of hundred years! You’ve got to be kidding me. I let out a groan of frustration and fell back into an armchair.

“Did this happen to you?” I asked

“Kind of. But when I first appeared on the scene, they didn’t have all the technology they do nowadays. For example, they didn’t have cameras. The best they could do was to draw a picture of me. The new equipment that reporters have these days makes them so much more invasive. Which is unlucky for you.” Iris stated still looking at her magazine.

“Oh great! Thanks for the support.” I said sarcastically.

“Look,” Iris started, sitting up and looking at me with a sympathetic face. “I know that this is difficult for you, you have your first boyfriend and you’re having it splashed all over magazines, but there’s nothing you can do about it. My advice is just to sit back and wait it out.”

“Wait it out? You just said it would go on for hundreds of years!” I exclaimed shocked.

“You haven’t quite got to grips with your new timeline, have you? A couple of hundred years, is going to be nothing to you. It may not feel like it now, but put it in perspective. You have forever. They can’t keep printing stories on you forever. You’ll just have to be patient.” Iris stated, sounding very wise.

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