Chapter 61

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Chapter Sixty One - Why Do You Love Me? 

- Madeline's POV - 

"Mads, I love you." 

My eyes jerk away from the view outside and immediately go over to Martin. My mouth parts open slightly and I feel my breath being taken away. Simultaneously, I feel a lump forming in my throat and I blink a few times, trying to grasp what he had just said. 

Is this real? I have never been been shocked many times in my life, but this, has taken all of my words from me. I'm shocked still in my seat, my eyes roaming over Martin desperately trying to read him. He licks his lips, his expression emotionless. 

My emotions have stirred back up and none of my previously 'shocked' moments have been to this extent. Deep down, I feel myself squealing, happiness taking over my body, but even deeper, resides the resentment I have towards him. I know I can't forgive him as easily as I want to, but I slowly feel myself being unravelled by him. 

My mouth closes and I glance away from him for a second, closing my eyes, trying to rest my mind. 

A hear the slightest noise of laughter ever, "You gonna say anything?" I can tell Martin is trying to be humorous, but I know it's killing him I haven't said anything. 

"I don't know what to say," I respond quickly, having to clear my dry throat. When I look back over to him, a pained look comes across in his eyes. I know I love him too, I just cannot say it right now. I feel like it's too early. "Why?" I ask, my voice cracking. 

His eyebrows furrow deeply, confusion settling across his flaw-free features, "Why what?" he asks and I feel my nerves heighten up. I feel as nervous as I was the first time he kissed me. The only thing is, I don't know why. 

"Why do you love me?" I ask, not being able to get ahold of his words. It just seems unreal that he would say that. Do not get me wrong, I feel so giddy and happy, but it doesn't seem like Martin. 

His face softens and he smirks slightly, glancing down at the table, "Beats the shit out of me," he chuckles a little, "But I do," his eyes meet mine and they're back to how they normally are; glimmering and playful. There's the Martin I know and love. 

"Well, I definitely wasn't expecting this today," I say, running a hand through my hair, giving him the slightest smile. I know it's bothering him that I haven't told him what he wants to hear. I can't give in that easily though. 

"I just had to get that off of my chest," he says, sitting back in his chair, "I couldn't leave without saying that first," he says whilst shaking his head a little. 

"You're leaving?" I ask, my face dropping and going slightly pale. My tone comes off more panicked than I wanted to, but I can't change that now. 

"Not yet, I still have a few more days here," he says and exhale deeply, feeling myself loosen up. I thought he was going to leave me again. "I'd just assumed you'd want me out of here sooner than later," he adds, our gaze intense. 

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