Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve - Truth 

- Martin's POV - 

My feet stomped through the campus, anger taking over my body. I was looking for a head full of blonde hair but having no luck. Fuck. I had already practically chewed out a few people asking where they had last seen Karlie. Half of them ran and the other half did not know. The faster I could confront her, the faster I would understand what was going on with Mads. Not talking to her, has almost killed me. And now with her looking like that, I cannot handle it. 

I made my way to the main office building to see if anyone there may have a clue where she is. I opened the door forcefully to meet Kris. She looked like hell. Eyes puffy and all. She said nothing as she walked past me, bumping my shoulder a bit. Ever since our... incident, she has been pissed. I do not if she is mad about her undies or me not wanting to do anything else with her. What was wrong with her anyways? 

"Hey, Martin, how can I help you?" Maria, I think was her name, asked me. I thought back to the past couple of years and how she was the one who dealt with me when I got in trouble. 

"Um, have you seen Karlie?" I scratched the back of my neck. I knew she did not like me, so I had to put my best face on. 

"Oh! You just missed her," she paused, coughing a bit. Well hell, what do I do now? 

"Do happen to know where she went? Or was going?" I asked, needing more than anything to find this bitch. 

"Try her room. It's close to dinner, so she may be getting ready," she gave me a small smile. I nodded slowly. Maria and I had an odd association. One minute she was giving me lectures on how to do good in life and the next she was actually helping me. 

"Okay, thanks," I said quickly, turning around to leave. I made my way to her dorm building, quicker than I usually would. I pressed the elevator button multiple times because I am probably one of the most impatient people you will ever meet. Once it came, I stepped in to be taken to the second floor. The damn stairs could have been faster. I stomped to the end of the hallway, then knocking on her door vigorously. She opened it, standing in a bra and underwear. 

"Hey," she smiled up at me. I ignored her and stepping into her semi-dirty room. I heard the door shut behind of me. "What's up?" 

I turned back around to see her putting a shirt on. "What the fuck did you say to Mads?" I said through gritted teeth. I saw her roll her eyes, smirking in the process. 

"Stuff," she shrugged her shoulders. Opening a drawer, she grabbed a pack of cigarettes. She placed one in her mouth, lighting it with ease. "Want one?" She offered. 

"No, shits awful for you," I shook my head. "Now, what did you say?" I was now getting frustrated. 

"Just a warning, that's all," she collapsed back on her bed, the shirt riding up a bit. 

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