Chapter 45

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Chapter Forty Five - Crazy Bitches 

- Madeline's POV - 

"Let's talk," Haley raises her eyebrows at me, crossing her arms over her chest. I can tell annoyance and frustration has built up inside of her. Like I said, I hope she actually lets me talk and won't interrupt me. 

I bite my bottom lip, nodding my head slowly, trying to think of something to say. How am I supposed to start this conversation? Yeah, uh, Martin and I are kind of friends with benefits? I hate to stoop to that level, but I guess it's true. And are we really even just 'friends'? 

"Well are you gonna talk?" she says with a snappy tone, which causes me to regain focus from my thoughts. I narrow my eyes at her a little, what's her problem? Is she really that mad? 

"What's your problem Haley?" I spit out my question before I even think about what I'm saying. No turning back now I suppose. Her mouth parts open as she drops her arms by her sides. 

"What's my problem?" she laughs sarcastically while she points towards herself with one finger, "What's your problem Mads?" she asks rhetorically, making my question seem useless. 

"I don't have a problem," I answer quickly, shaking my head, "I mean, clearly you do," I say in an obvious tone, trying not to yell. Yelling won't solve anything after all. 

"Yeah, one of them happens to be that I can't get the image of you two making out, out of my head," she spits out in a rapid tone. She sounds sarcastic, but I know she is being one hundred percent serious. 

I narrow my eyes at her, frustration bubbling up inside of me, "Is it really that big of a deal?" I ask, my hands waving around slightly. She shifts her weight back onto her heels and she rolls her eyes.

"It's Martin for fucksakes Mads!" her voice now raises. She's obviously trying to argue with me, but that's not what I want to do. I wanted to talk - civilly. 

"Why do you care so much about what I do?" I ask straightforwardly. It's my life, I can do whatever I want with it. She's started to sound like my overprotected parents, which I strongly disliked. 

"You're my friend Mads, of course I'm going to care about you!" she replies as if I am stupid enough not to understand her. Yeah, I thought friends don't judge each other, my subconscious says while rolling her eyes. 

"You're making such a big deal out of something, that isn't even a problem!" I can't help but to raise my voice at her now; my temper was just catching up to me. 

"This is Martin we're talking about! How many times did I warn you to not be associated with him?!" she furrows her brows, her voice turning slightly horse. Her face has turned a soft shade of pink as well. 

"Why does it matter Haley?! He came onto me!" I argue back, running a hand through my long hair, I tug on the roots slightly. My frustration is now turning into anger. I don't want to get angry with her, but she's being so damn difficult. 

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