Chapter 48

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Chapter Forty Eight - Unpredictable At it's Finest

- Madeline's POV - 

I've managed to compose myself fully from this morning, however, I'm still feeling a little sick to my stomach. Martin said it may last a couple of days, which I dread if it turns out to be true. 

I can't help but feel so much anger and frustration at myself. What had happened could have been prevented if I just wasn't being stupid and careless. I shouldn't have even drank in this first place. We all know how that went last time. I'm an idiot thinking that it would have been okay to drink, especially thinking it was okay when a stranger was offering me one. 

I'm normally that one person who overthinks everything through and makes possible future situations in my head. I just don't understand what happened at the party. All my common sense must have left my body. I still can't get over how Martin somehow managed to be there for me. He even left me - but he still found me. The universe has to be giving me a sign or something. 

Out of all those people... it was Martin. Just like every other situation, it ends up being Martin. I want to know what he's thinking. I want to know where he went and I want know if he's okay. I already know he has a lot to deal with and I don't want him worrying over me. I mean, I'm just me after all. 

But, now is not the time for any of that. Right now, I'm going to figure out this whole Oxford situation. My first step is to call the number on the envelope and see if it's legitimate or not. Then, if it's true, I'm going to call my parents and ask what in the world is going on. 

Another I don't get with Martin... he kept pushing me about this Oxford thing. My gut instinct tells me that he is up to something. It also tells me that he probably isn't going to tell what he's up to. God, he frustrates me so much. I still haven't gotten any answers from him and I have a feeling I'm going to need to befriend Haley again. And soon. 

Okay, I seriously need to shut up about Martin.

When I walk into the office building, I see a petite blonde girl sitting behind the counter and she smiles at me. I've never seen her before. You would think for how long I've been here, I would be acquainted with everyone, but there is just too many people. 

"Hi," she smiles, "What's up?" she asks, leaning her elbows on the slightly messy desk area. I glance down the left hallway remembering when my mother came to visit me and when Martin and I got busted for leaving the campus. Both of those days weren't good. 

"I need to make a couple phone calls," I say slowly and I have feeling she'll let me because she seems like a really nice girl. 

"Yeah, okay," she nods before smiling again, "Go to the room second on the right, the phone is in there," she points and I nod, giving her a smile as well. 

"Thank you," I say before I begin to make my way to where she said. Horrifying thoughts of when Martin called me come rushing back. I thought I was going to have a mental breakdown of what he put me through. I still haven't really gotten a proper explanation for that. He just told me he 'had to' and it was 'important'. 

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