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Jasper wasn't joking when he said the news was covering Ben's plane crash. When we arrived to the hospital there were several crews for different news channels stationed around the hospital ready to get a report. I didn't think they would notice us until someone shouted, "That's the sister!"

Immediately we were swarmed by the gaggle of anchors trying to get some sort of information out of us. Jasper held my hand tightly in his as we pushed through the crowd who were all firing off questions from different angles.

"Ms. Miller! Is it true that your brother is in critical condition?"

"Have you heard any reports on the victims?!"

"Has the mayor done his job by sending his condolences to your family?"

"Is this a terrorist attack from Argentina and your brother is a part of it?!"

To that question I sent a nasty glare.

It's strange that I can't stand these people although I watch their news almost every morning. Still, I despise the fact that they pretend to be actually concerned for my brothers well-being. In truth, they were just doing their job trying to get some facts about the situation to one-up the competing station. They didn't actually care, my brother's near death experience is just good business for them. And because of that they make me sick.

The cameras stayed on Jasper and I as we walked into the hospital, heads down and hands together. If our relationship wasn't public before it sure is now.

Once inside and away from the crowd I let out a loud exhale not realizing that I had been holding my breath the whole time. Jasper pulled us to the side and turned to face me directly.

"You okay?" he asked, his eyes searching mine filled with concern.

I gave a slight nod. "Yeah, I'm good. It's just . . . I wasn't expecting all that."

"I know. And they shouldn't have been so rude to you," he looked back in the direction where the crowd was still huddled. Something flashed in his eyes and he started to walk off growling, "I'm going to have a talk with those assholes."

But I reached out for his arm pulling him back. "Wait," I pleaded. "As great as that sounds, please just . . . stay with me?"

Jasper turned his icy glare away from the crowd to land on me. Immediately his eyes melted and his hand went to my face. "I'm here. I'm not going to leave you, Allison."

As much as I wanted to hear those words, it stung when applying them to the situation with Ridgefield. I have been putting it off for too long I really needed to tell him at some point. Hopefully today depending on how Ben is doing. I didn't want to be an emotional wreck when I broke the news. Until then, I sent him a small smile pretending that everything was okay and wrapped my hand around his. "Thank you."

Jasper gave me a quick kiss on my forehead before lacing his fingers in mine. "Let's go see your brother."

My heart gave a leap. A part of me was thrilled to see my brother although an even bigger part was scared. I'm not sure what I will see, and I don't know if it will add to my nightmares I've been having of him lately. All my life Ben has been this happy bubble with a smile on his face wherever he went. To see all of that gone is truly devastating. I'm not sure I'm fully prepared.

As we walked towards the waiting room the nurse from last night didn't even look our way. I couldn't help but snicker when Jasper cast her the same icy glare he reserved for the reporters. He held my hand even tighter as we marched towards the elevators.

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