35| Date Night

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-D E D I C A T I O N-
This is long over due but I want to dedicate this chapter to @aggie23FF for ALWAYS being a supporter of Forbidden Literature. Every time I update she is there so show some love and I really appreciate the kindness! If you guys have a chance be sure to check out her awesome work!

We watched the sun rise the next morning before I made us a light breakfast. After throwing down some oatmeal and toast we took a hike around the area to check it out. It amazed me how far its beauty stretched past the lake house.

Along the way Jasper discovered my extensive knowledge on plants, due to my father's green thumb, and quizzed me over every flower he saw. As I droned on about their origins he would walk beside me, hands folded behind his back, listening intently. It was as if our roles were switched, he being the student and I the professor. I internally laughed at the irony enjoying it immensely.

It was amazing how far we have come in a few short days. In less than a week we learned so much about each other that it's almost like we are completely different people. To some this is a scary thought, but not for me.

I loved knowing that there is more to Jasper than just this arrogant, smoldering man. He is passionate, intelligent, caring and much more. Learning about his quirks like the fact he can't stand when his food touches on his plate is great, but I loved getting to know things not accessible to everyone. I've seen sides of him I never knew existed, and it only makes me love him that much more.

However, as much as I love him, when the week grew closer to an end I began feeling pent up like when I was at the hotel for too long. I loved this place and spending time with him, but I needed to see something different. Even the lake starts to lose its beauty after a while.

One night after I finished writing some poems in my journal I huffed rubbing my eyes. "Babe?"

"Yeah?" he called from the kitchen.

I hopped off the couch making my way to where he was, arms crossed. "Can we do something tonight? Something different?"

He paused putting away leftovers to raise an eyebrow at me. "Are you asking to try a new position? Because you know you don't have to ask--"

"I mean can we go somewhere tonight," I corrected trying to hide my amusement. "As in like, away from the lake. I love it here, don't get me wrong. I just feel sort of . . . confined."

He shut the fridge behind him before leaning against it. "Yeah, I suppose we should do something different before we leave. Do you have anything in mind?"

"I'm up for anything," the desperation in my voice leaking out. "We don't have to stay out long, I promise. We can just walk around town for a little while if you want. I just like a change in scenery some times."

"I understand," he said crossing the space between us pressing his lips to my forehead. I wrapped my arms around him taking in the familiar smell of spice and honey. "I guess it's about time we had a date, don't you think?"

I didn't realize until he said those words that he was right. We have been together for a little while now and never had our first date. Probably something we should have done a while ago before having sex . . . multiple times.

"Date night sounds like fun," I pulled back to kiss his stubbly chin. "Where are we going?"

He paused in thought. "I can think of a few places."

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