6| Haze

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After wrapping up a few more workshops I was successfully tired and hungry. Apparently the dinner was about ready for everyone in the ballroom so thankfully I didn't have to wait much longer. I heard that it was supposed to be formal attire so I went back to my room to change out of my normal clothing.

Sara went somewhere to go talk to Kenji on the phone so I had the room all to myself. After setting my stuff to the side and a good stretch I began digging around my duffle bag for something that looked semi-formal.

When packing I wasn't really thinking this far ahead. After only finding shirts and shorts, I decided to engage plan B: raid Sara's bag. I'm sure she had a ton of formal looking stuff for all those pictures she no-doubt sends Kenji.

Luckily, I found a bright red dress that looked pretty small for my frame but perfect for Sara's. I decided it was my only option so I tore off my old clothes in exchange for the dress. I found a mirror and gave a little twirl reviewing the attire.

Just as I thought, the hemming was daringly short and the material clung my figure like a second skin making my breast nearly pop out. Embarrassed I tried on several different bras that wouldn't make them so proud and instead settled for no bra at all. It wasn't a drastic change, but it made me look less promiscuous and more like a curvy lady.

Sighing in defeat I brushed out my hair curling it slightly at the ends, added a little mascara, some lip gloss, and finished up with my diamond necklace. I almost forgot my high heels when walking out the door, mostly because I didn't want to wear them. They never failed to kill my feet within five minutes of wearing them but I knew they were essential. The sudden height made me hyper aware of my hips that swished whenever I walked.

If I was being honest with myself, I was feeling damn good in this outfit.

While waiting on the elevator I dug through my purse for some mints but instead found my favorite floral perfume. I spritzed some on my neck and wrist right when the elevator made a ding noise informing me of its presence.

After slipping the sample bottle back in my purse the doors slid open inviting me in. I walked in still digging through my purse for mints when the doors shut. Still I couldn't find them.

"Well, damn," I grumbled to myself.

I must have left them in the room. Or Sara took them. Probably the latter. She has a habit of taking my things, but then again I am wearing her dress. Not that it's the same as mints but still I'd like to have—

"Troubles, Ms. Miller?" came a familiar voice.

Suddenly I was very aware that I wasn't alone in the elevator like I had originally thought.

When I looked up I saw Dr. Andrews with his hands in his suit pockets casually leaning against the wall. He looked the picture of calm, as always. A very nice picture at that in his fitted suit and tie. He should seriously consider changing his profession to modeling. It's not fair that he's wasting his looks at a university.

"Uh oh," he cocked his head to the side. "And there she goes. Lost again in the valley of thoughts."

Realizing what he said I shook my head as if that would help clear my thoughts. "I'm fine. It's nothing. I just remembered were I left my mints."

"I see," he raised an eyebrow at me. "Well I'm certainly glad you solved that mystery. You looked so perplexed it was concerning."

I ignored his comment and zipped up my purse a little loudly. That was the final noise before a silence that passed between us. I watched the numbers in the elevator drop as we went down before I heard him ask, "Is that your dress for tonight?"

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