30| Invariably

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I never considered myself a morning person, but when you wake up in the arms of someone you care about, mornings don't seem so bad.

I was tangled up in nothing but sheets and Jasper Andrews. Slowly, I began to wake up to the feeling of his fingertips running up and down my spine sending electricity through my body. There was no way my dreams could compete with this feeling. I curled myself closer to him trying to lessen any sort of space between us. This was completely different from the last time we woke up together. Now, in his own bed I was engulfed in his essence. Not only did his body that I press against smell like honey and spice, but so did his sheets. I was completely drowning myself in Jasper Andrews and I wouldn't have it any other way.

As one hand continued stroking my back his other ran through my hair before pressing my head to his mouth. "Good morning," his voice still thick from sleep.

I smiled against his chest, "It is a good morning, isn't it?"

"Mmm," he groaned in agreement planting multiple kisses on my forehead. "Did you sleep well?"

I began tracing figures on his back feeling certain areas more risen than others. It took me a moment to realize they are probably marks from where I scratched him so much . . . oops. "Very much. Did you?"

He inhaled deeply. "I always sleep well when I'm with you, babe."

Maybe he was expecting me to continue the conversation on the subject of sleeping but I was hung up in the four little word he called me. Slowly I dropped my hand to reveal my smirk, "Babe, huh?"

He stiffened, "You don't like it do you? I just wanted to test it out but if you're not ready or--"

I cut him off with a kiss, morning breathe be damned. When I pulled away I looked into his eyes, "I love it . . . baby cakes."

"Ugh," he groaned rolling me off of him. I laughed the entire way. "We are not going into that territory."

"Why not?" I crawled back to his side, "Pumpkin?"

He scoffed. "Please."

"Cutie pie?"



"Woman," he said sternly suddenly rolling on top of me, pinning my hands firmly above my head. I was startled and excited by the sudden position. "If you don't stop I will fuck you until you pass out right here and now, silencing your pet names."

I'm not sure if he was trying to be intimidating or not, but I was deeply amused. I raised my eyebrow. "Is that supposed to be some sort of threat . . . love muffin--?"

And with that our morning slipped away as we spent our time mostly in the bed, sometimes the floor. I'm pretty sure there was a wall and chair too.

Finally after what felt like hours we found ourselves huffing on his bedroom floor still completely naked. Sweat rolled off our bodies and onto the wooden boards. Trying to steady my breathing I looked at Jasper laying less than a foot away from me.

"Okay," I was still panting, "you win."

"Damn right I did," he said huffing as he leaned up to a sitting position. He looked back at me sprawled out on his floor with a smile, "You hungry?"

I pushed my now drenched hair out of my face. "Starving."

I lost a lot of energy back there. And all last night. In fact I'm not even sure how I'm still coherent right now.

With a nod Jasper got to his feet not even bothering to put on any clothes. We passed that point of nudity being uncomfortable a long time ago.

"I'll go make us some food and coffee."

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