47| Interview

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This chapter is dedicated to Snuffymonster1007 IVM992 and aggie23FF for tackling the Ultimate Forbidden Quiz! It's not easy, but you guys really know your stuff! If you are interested in trying out the quiz take a peek at it in the Forbidden Extras book (: Now on to the story!


A couple days have gone by since I last saw Ben. I checked up on him a few hours ago, but it was the same news as always: minor improvements. At first they said he would stay there for a week, but now it's looking like they are adding more time than we originally thought. Either he really doesn't want to wake up, or there is more damage to the brain that needs to recover than we once believed. For my sanity, I pretend that it's the first option.

To say it has been a rough couple of days is an understatement, but I can't let it take over my thoughts. Especially not today, because in an hour I will be interviewed by the biggest name in the publishing company, Joyce Russell.

No big deal.

Mrs. Russell, the new CEO of Harrington Publishing Company, emailed me the other day explaining that the interview will not be held at the office because she is currently on a business trip. However, she did not want to reschedule because she is very interested in seeing what I have to offer. Instead, we settled on interviewing via video chat which is fine to me because I don't have to drive three hours for an interview that will last half that time. The only issue is that I have to use Jasper's laptop to download the video program she is using. Therefore I have to use Jasper's place . . . which is now currently a mess. And not just a shirt on the floor mess, but a looks-like-another-tornado-hit-Kansas mess.

After what felt like hours of trying to make his room appear semi-normal, I gave up when I realized I was running out of time. My mind was spinning trying to figure out what to do when I panicked and tore off his black sheets from the bed to use as a backdrop. That way Mrs. Russell won't see the catastrophe also known as his room.

Right when I was standing on a chair trying to some how pin it to his ceiling I heard a, "What are you doing?"

I looked over my shoulder to see my boyfriend leaning against the door frame with a bowl of cereal in his hand wearing nothing but boxers and curious look on his face. It was a far cry from my business suit, and I had to admit I was completely jealous. Suits make me itchy.

"If I'm going to be interviewed by a super important person from a super prestigious company over a video, there is no way I'm letting her see your messy room in the background. So, I'm improvising," I informed dragging my eyes from his very exposed chest. Focus, Allison, focus.

He raised an eyebrow. "And my sheets are involved with this because . . . ?"

"I'm using your sheets as a backdrop," I reached up further to pin the sheet to the ceiling. I mentally cheered when it actually stayed. "That way it looks more professional."

"Mmhmm," he scooped some cereal into his mouth. "I'm sure she will think that stain is very professional."

With a shriek I jumped back to see what he was talking about. Low and behold there was an area of discoloration near the middle of the sheet which would be in perfect view for Mrs. Russell.


"Well that's just perfect," I growled glaring at the spot. "Why haven't you washed these?!"

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