38| Conduct

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The next day Jasper informed me that he had a faculty meeting after his classes ended, so instead of rushing to his place like I normally would, I stayed at my apartment. To be completely honest, after our little run in with the director last night I wasn't feeling like taking another chance of being around Jasper.

As much as I loved him and wanted to see him, I am terrified of what might happen if we were caught again. I know it's highly unlikely that the director would show up at Jasper's place and find us, but I still felt like the distance was mandatory.

So, I spent the rest of my day holed up in my room, that is in some serious need of cleaning, and kept checking my phone for any messages. I told myself that I would do that even if I wasn't separated from Jasper, but a part of me knew that I kept checking because I just missed him.

I felt so pathetic so I busied myself with homework to get my mind off the entire thing. When that was complete I pulled out my journal and started writing poems that have been trapped in my head for the past few days. It felt so good to release them through my pen, I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders with each word I wrote down. I had about five pages filled completely up when my door was abruptly thrown open. If it was anybody else I would have been terrified, but I didn't have to look up to see who it was.

"You're here?"Sara paused when she saw me on the floor.

I raised an eyebrow at her. "Yeah? Am I supposed to be somewhere else?"

"Well, no not exactly. It's just lately you're never here," she informed crossing the room to sit on my bed without asking.

"I've been slightly preoccupied."

"With a certain professor?" she waggled her eyebrows suggestively.

I didn't even give her the benefit of my reaction I was so engrossed in my work. "With school. You know we don't have much longer until graduation. There's no time for slacking and I'd really like to end my college career with my 4.0 still intact."

"Sure, sure," she laid back against my pillow. "I guess you're just doing homework when you slip off to Dr. Andrews place. How romantic."

"Well, unlike you I am a very committed student."

She snorted. "Yeah, okay."

We both knew that I was lying. Sara is actually very committed to her studies, if not more than me. I've never seen some one study so much all through the hours of the night. She was the model college student who stays up all night until she crashes somewhere in a corner. It's a wonder how she is able to function so well throughout the week whereas I require at least six hours of sleep to be remotely pleasant. It's a skill of hers I have yet to uncover.

"Why did you barge in if you didn't think I'd be here?" I questioned.

"I needed some hairspray," she picked at her fingernails nonchalantly. "I used all mine up the other day."

"Going out with Kenji again?" I reenacted her suggestive look to use against her.

She narrowed her eyes in distaste."Please, Miller. Don't act as if you're not just as wrapped up in your boyfriend like a little Christmas present. At least I come back to the apartment the next day to you know, make my presence known and everything."

That made me put down my pen to scowl at her. "I am not wrapped up in Jasper."

Sara bellowed in laughter. "Give me a break! You are with him more than I'm with Kenji. You two are so," she made a gesture by meshing her fingers together.

I was about to tell her once more than she was wrong when she continued. "Think about it; how many days out of this week have you been here?" I did think about it for a moment only to realize this was my second time here out of the entire week. Sara must have noticed me connect the dots because she smiled and said, "Exactly. Face it Allison, you are worse than me!"

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