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Super sexy time ahead. Ye be warned! Theme song for chapter above


I had a few hours to kill before Jasper got home, so I made a little pit stop before going to his place. It was supposed to last maybe fifteen minutes, but because I haven't even the slightest idea about lingerie, me and Lisa, the bra expertise, spent over an hour taking my measurements and trying on different outfits. I swore I would only spend less than thirty dollars, but I caved when I found the perfect outfit that was almost fifty. It'll be worth it in the end, I kept telling myself.

When I finally got to Jasper's place I marched towards his room with my bags trying to ignore the various mugs scattered all over his living room. Seriously, this man has a coffee drinking problem. And he can't even pick it up while I'm gone? I'll address it with him after all of this blows over. Right now, I'm on a mission.

After quickly shaving my legs until they felt like silk I opened up the bag and pulled out the outfit. I'll be honest, it took me about twenty minutes to get on the lacy black attire. I even had to Google to make sure I snapped everything in the right places, because I'm not entirely sure my breasts are supposed to be that high. And holy crap is that supposed to be exposed?! As confused as I was about the mechanics, when I looked at myself in the mirror, I had to admit . . . I looked pretty good. And I felt good. I guess this is the power of lingerie everyone talks about. I can dig it.

The lacy bra cupped my breasts just nicely holding them high and proud. Right below my tattoo was a silk garter that wrapped around my waist and connected to my stockings running up my legs. I refused to wear a thong because I wanted to feel comfortable, so Lisa suggested black lace underwear that matched my bra and still accentuated my bottom. After slipping on some heels, phase one was complete.

To begin second phase, I raided Jasper's closet to find a nice, large button up shirt. I settled for a plain white shirt and at the last minute added a green tie, his favorite color. Thankfully, I left some toiletries along with makeup here a while ago; that explains why I couldn't find my favorite lipstick the other day! I added on some mascara, lipstick and his favorite perfume before fluffing up my wavy hair. I kept deciding over leaving it loose or tying it up so that he could take it down later. But when I looked at the clock I realized I didn't have time to debate. Instead, I picked the second option and threw it up messily then tossed my extra clothes in a bag before shoving it to the side.

I checked my phone to see if he might have texted, but then I remembered we are supposed to be distant from each other right now. I frowned at the thought, then remembered where I was. I snickered placing my phone away before assuming position. He has no idea what's about to hit him.

My heart fluttered at the idea. I've never done anything like this before in my life, but it's so exciting! I even googled different techniques on how to be sexy but they all ended up being things I wasn't comfortable with doing. I settled on something simplistic for now, maybe I could try other things later on down the road.

For now, I positioned Jasper's favorite chair in front of the doorway and lounged across it seductively, or at least mimicked how the models do it. I looked awkward so I tried a different pose, and then another and another before deciding to just sit in it like I normally would with my legs crossed. After unbuttoning a few buttons I heard the sound of a car pulling in the driveway.

It was show time.

I don't know why my heart fluttered so crazily, it's not like I haven't been intimate with him before. But maybe it's just the circumstances now. I've never sought out Jasper for this sort of thing, it usually just happens. But here I am, dressed up in black lace ready to pounce. The memory of Lexi's words earlier was still fresh.

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