Chapter 17

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Lauren's POV

I woke up in a pitch black room. My heart sank as I looked around. I looked at the clock that read 4AM. I began feeling around to see where I was. I felt a pillow which obviously meant I was in a bed. Then my hand touched soft skin. The skin was warm and I could tell it was human. The human was breathing. Who was in the bed? Did I sleep with somebody? As I continued to take the palm down this body. I got to close as I felt a happy trail past the belly button. I felt around next to me on the counter and found a phone. I lit it open. It was my phone. I turned the flashlight and flashed it over to the body laying next to me. To see my hot ass boss sleeping peacefully.

I held my light on him as I smiled like a fool at the nice sight. I hear him groan and turn to the opposite side and put the pillow over his head with his arms. I never got to fully look at Justin's tattoos. Might as well start. I looked carefully as his tattoos on his arms. I then looked on his back to see an Indian head. This boy loved tattoos. I noticed Justin move which made me quickly turn my flashlight off and act like I was asleep.

"Can you not shine that light in my fucking face?" Justin growled in a raspy voice.

I smile with my eyes closed. I could imagine his facial expression right now. I loved to aggravate the shit out of him.

"Lauren." I hear him ask.

I groaned like I was getting woken up. "What?" I asked slowly like I was half asleep.

"Why were you shining the light in my face?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Why are you playing with me right now? I saw you." Justin said making me slightly smile in the darkness.

"No. You didn't because I didn't shine a light in your face."

I hear Justin get up and hear a little stumble here and there. I then a darker shadow in the pitch black fall.

"OW!" I hear Justin whine.

I began laughing hysterically.

"Shut up." Justin spat getting back up. He then feels around for the light in the bathroom. I covered my eyes at the light as Justin turned it on. He shut the door behind him.

Was I surprised? Yes. I expected Justin to leave the door open and then ask me some dirty joke. That would be something Justin would do.

He came back after I hear the toilet flush and the sink running.

"What did you have to do?" I laughed.

As he began walking back to his side of the bed. "Get rid of my dirty dreams of you baby girl."

I rolled my eyes. There goes Justin.

He came back around to the side of his bed that he was on. Until I hear Jazzy bang on the door. I jumped in fear getting closer to Justin not knowing who it was.

"JUSTIN. JUSTIN." Jazzy cries.

"What?" Justin growled in annoyance before turning on the lamp near his bedside.

"Jaxon is in jail. He got thrown in jail." Jazzy said as her eyes widen.

I noticed Justin got out of his bed. "What happened?"

"He ran into a scuffle with one of Jason's friends and Jalen was there." Jazzy said biting her lip.

Who was Jason and Jalen? Some old friends of Justin's or something

Justin then scolded her, "Remember we never speak of them. I told you this. Especially Jason."

Justin's POV

Mr. Bieber's Assistant / JaurenWhere stories live. Discover now