Chapter Eighteen - Stranger Danger

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Sorry this chapter is short but Wattpad has been giving me hassle all day and hasn't been working properly so this is unedited and I'm really tired. It's after midnight. I'll make it up to you with the next one...coming soon ;)

Casper's POV

I'd just finished cleaning up the bakery and had sent my staff home. Zack, today's bodyguard, was hovering in the corner. I moved closer to the large front window to pull down the shutter and found myself falling on my ass when the glass in front of me shattered. Zack ran past me and tackled the person who had smashed the window. I was frozen in surprise for a moment longer until I realized what was happening. 

The attack had come and it was happening in broad daylight in the main street of our town where anyone could witness it. The other Guards that had been posted outside were also fending off attackers. The scent of rogue was heavy in the air even though everyone was in human form, I knew that meant nothing though. They were part of Maurice's experiments. 

My blood ran cold when I heard a thud from upstairs and I called out to Austin through the link as I ran upstairs to check on Jimmy. My heart just about stopped beating when I saw the front door splintered and hanging from its hinges. I came up short when I saw Jimmy crouched over a shifter, both in human form, and snarling at him. "Jimmy?" I yelled.

"I'm fine, Dad." He reassured me. "He thought he could sneak up on me but I'd heard the fight downstairs and I was ready for him. I think I dented your skillet though." He held up the heavy implement and I noticed the face shaped dent in it right away. That had to hurt.

"I've called Austin, he knows we're under attack." I caught movement through the corner of my eye and turned ready to fight.

"Dad, no!" Jimmy yelled and ran to put himself between me and the stranger in our apartment.

The man reeked of rogue and wore dirty, torn clothing. He was probably in his late twenties or early thirties but it was hard to tell beneath the layers of mud and dirt that coated him. He stood in the broken doorway looking me over like a bug under a microscope."You are the one?"

I frowned at him and asked, "What one? Who the hell are you?"

"Dad this is Kade, he's the one who protected me from the other rogues," Jimmy said by way of an explanation.

"I thought he vanished? You said he'd never returned from his last mission." I watched the man, Kade, warily.

"I was sent to another facility." Kade folded his arms over his chest, taking a wide stance. Suddenly his arm swung upwards and delivered a blow to a man who had been trying to sneak up on him. Next his booted foot came down with a crushing blow to the man's groin. I winced at the impact to such a sensitive area. "Your back-up is arriving."

I heard howling before I heard the growls and snarls of wolves fighting. ~Casper, are you and Jimmy safe?~ Austin asked.

~Yes~ I looked from Jimmy to Kade, I didn't really trust this man but my son seemed to. "Take care of my boy or I'll personally see to your demise."

Kade puffed out his chest, clearly not liking being challenged but what wolf did? "I'd like to see you try since you couldn't even handle a pussy like Maurice." He sneered.

"Right back at you, if he's such a pussy then how did he capture you?" I shot back. Okay it was childish and it really wasn't the time to have this discussion when a war was raging downstairs.

Kade's eyes narrowed. "He set a dirty trap. I followed the scent of fresh kill and stepped into an electrified trap." I nodded in understanding. Maurice fought dirty, always had. 

I moved past Kade and thundered downstairs. My bakery was ruined. Everything lay broken and scattered on the floor of the kitchen and wolves fought viciously with one another. 

I avoided a fighting pair and searched the kitchen for my mate. I couldn't see him in the chaos so I moved into the main shop. Austin was holding his own against two large wolves, easily avoiding their teeth and claws. I hated seeing him fight.

Fire burned through my side and I felt myself being shaken. I let my wolf loose and turned out of reach of the shifter who had bitten me. I crouched low waiting for him to attack again and he didn't disappoint. He ran for me with his head low growling and I rolled to my back kicking out. I caught him on his shoulder and he stumbled and rolled away from me snarling. I ran, hoping to catch him by surprise while he was down but he caught me by the scruff of my neck and threw me against a wall.

I shook off the impact and braced again. This bastard was persistent as he came at me again and again. I got in a few lucky blows and bites before our fight was interrupted. Austin moved in and showed the wolf no mercy. He easily took him down and let the body lay where it fell.

~Get out of this fight Casper, you need to stay with Jimmy. Protect him.~ Austin growled through our link.

~I didn't leave him unprotected. I'm not a helpless human Austin I can fight, don't treat me like I'm less than I am.~ I turned away from him, hurt and feeling the blow to my ego at his words. I could fight with my mate, I wanted to fight with him side by side but apparently he wanted an obedient little mate who'd let him take care of everything. That was not going to happen.

The rogues began to retreat from the fight which surprised me. They'd attacked with deadly force but they'd barely caused any real bodily harm to anyone on our side of the fight. A sinking feeling entered my stomach and I ran upstairs to the apartment, shifting as I walked through the door. 

I called out for Jimmy and Kade but received no answer. "Jimmy?" I called out going from room to room and finding no one. I cursed myself for leaving him with Kade. The man was a rogue under Maurice's rule.

~Jimmy?~ I tried to call out to him. 

~Dad.~ His reply was enthusiastic. ~I'm sorry I left with Kade but we saw some of the other rogues grabbing a lady on the street. I think she was human so we're following them to see where they're taking her.~

I breathed out a sigh of relief at knowing he was okay and hadn't been taken by the rogues but I was furious at him for leaving without a word and without any protection from our pack. ~Where are you now?~

He gave me the location of the old movie theater. I'd been told that it was abandoned since the new theater was built seven years ago. I told him to stay put and went to find Austin and eat some crow. 

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