Chapter Three - Called Away

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Casper's POV

My hands shook as I tried to zip up my jacket and my stomach fluttered uncomfortably. It was now five past seven, I was running a little late because I just couldn't seem to get my nerves under control. 

Taking a deep breath through my nose I let it out through my mouth and reached out opening the door before I lost my nerve and ran upstairs to my apartment to hide instead. That option was very tempting though.

The lane-way was pitch dark when I stepped out into the cold. I could see the light from the street illuminating the parking spaces in front of the bakery and I could make out a large shape pacing by a parked car. I swallowed nervously and slowly approached hoping it was indeed Austin and not someone who I'd regret running into.

"Casper?" Austin's voice reached me before the shape moved closer and he came into perfect view beneath the street light.

"Yes." I hurried my steps. I've always hated dark winter evenings. But they would be coming to an end soon. 

"Hi." Austin smiled warmly at me and reached out to touch my shoulder but pulled back at the last moment. I felt awful that he had to censor his reactions to me, I was already being a horrible mate.

"Hi. Where are we going?" I fell into step with Austin when he turned and started down the sidewalk.

"I thought we could go to Granger's but if you want to go somewhere else we can."

"No Granger's sounds good." I felt slightly comforted by the fact that we would be going to the diner. I wasn't someone who enjoyed fancy dinners from fancy restaurants. Fine dining was not for me. 

We entered the diner a few minutes later and grabbed a small booth near the back. I inhaled the delicious smells emanating from the kitchen, something smelled good. I picked up one of the plastic coated menus from the table and smiled nervously at Austin before hiding behind it. He seemed happy to give me some time to compose myself and when I finally dropped the menu he looked up from his own with a dazzling smile.

"Do you both want to order or will I give you another minute to decide?" I looked to my left only now noticing the waitress in a lilac dress with a lemon half apron around her waist.

"Are you ready?" Austin asked me.

"Um, yes. I'll have the reuben sandwich please, with a glass of water." I watched the waitress scribble on her pad then she looked over to Austin. 

"And for you?" 

"I'll take the cheese burger deluxe meal with a lemonade. Thanks Victoria." Austin picked up our menus and set them back behind the salt and pepper shakers.

"I'll bring them right out when they're ready and I'll get those drinks for you now." She smiled at us both and turned to drop our orders through the small window behind the counter.

"You seemed really busy this morning when I dropped by the bakery. Is it always like that?" Austin inquired.

"Always. I start early because there are so many things that need to baked fresh. Some things I can make in advance and freeze them but a very large percentage is fresh baked that day. I have four staff and there are always two of them working with me each day to get everything ready and put out in the shop. Most mornings everything goes as it should but then there are mornings, like this morning where everyone is running late or things get knocked over or something silly that costs us time," I explained. I loved my job even on the stressful days.

"I have to admit that I don't know much about baked goods. I don't have a very sweet tooth but some of the breads you had baking smelled delicious."

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