Chapter Twelve- Ready

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Hi guys sorry I missed last week's chapter. Things have been crazy as you know if you've read my comments on my page. 

I'm hoping to get another chapter up before next week to make up for it but I can't give you a guaranteed date because I'll be busy this weekend. My son will be six on Sunday so I'll be baking, decorating and getting everything ready for his day.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter, it's short and a filler but there will be more exciting things to come in the next one.

Casper's POV

I woke with a start at the sound of growling. My mouth felt like a seventies shag carpet had been laid down across it and my head was throbbing along with several points on my body but I was protectively cocooned in Austin's arms and it took me a moment to realize where I was and why I'd ended up there.

"Austin?" I probed when his growling continued. He quieted for a minute and looked down at me.

"Sorry I woke you up." He caressed my face and placed a kiss on my cheek. "How are you feeling now?"

"Thirsty." There was a scratchy tickle in the back of my dry throat that was crying out for the relief of a tall glass of cold water. 

Austin uncurled himself from around me and reached over to a small bedside locker where a glass and a jug of water were sitting and poured out a small amount of water. "Just sip this and try not to drink too much or it could upset your stomach." 

I nodded and opened my mouth when he placed the glass to my lips. I sighed at the heavenly feeling of the cold liquid running down my throat and soothing it. "Thank you." I sat back and watched him return the glass to its resting place. "Why were you growling?" I asked studying his face for clues of what could be wrong.

"The council are here, I can scent the vampires from here. Can't you?" He frowned at me.

I scented the air, realizing that my nose was stuffed up but I picked up the faint scent of vampire now that I knew what I was searching for. "How long have they been here?"

"Not long. Bram linked me when they turned up so I wouldn't be surprised when I picked up their scent. Funnily enough one of their enforcers is named Casper too."

"What?" I sat up straight wincing at the pull and pain in my stitches.

"Lie down, you're going to reopen your stitches if you keep doing that. He's a piece of work apparently so I don't want you staying here after you're released from the infirmary. I'll stay at your apartment to keep an eye on you." He eased me back onto the bed and brushed a lock of hair back from my eyes.

"I've never actually met a vampire before," I told him.

"You're not going to now either. If he even looks at your neck I'll tear him apart." Austin kissed the crook of my neck and I chuckled at the tickle of his five o'clock shadow.

"Possessive much?" I chuckled. 

"Very." He raised his head and kissed me on the lips. "I'll go find one of the doctors and ask them if you're well enough to leave this room yet." He rolled to the edge of the bed and stood up. 

"Wait," I called to him. "Where am I going if I'm allowed to leave this room?" I asked him.

"Home with me." He winked at me and slipped out of the room.

It felt like hours had passed when he finally returned though it was surely only a matter of minutes. "I've brought you some clothes, I'm afraid I don't know what happened to yours but I assume they were ruined."

No Substitutions [Welcome To Wolf's Peak] (manxman)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن