Chapter Eleven - Cocooned In My Heart

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Austin's POV

All hell was breaking loose.

Members of our pack were injured and more than a few were lying dead. This attack had come without warning and we were all fighting for our lives and those of our families. I wouldn't allow these wolves to get near the pack house, they'd have to take me down first and I had no plans to let that happen.

I snarled and jumped on top of the wolf coming for me. He snapped at my side but only caught my hair between his teeth. I bit into his ear and jerked my head back ripping it from the top of his head. He howled in pain and I took the opportunity to latch onto his throat and bite down, hard.

Another came up behind me as I stood over my kill and knocked me to the ground. I quickly rolled away from him and watched one of my pack mates take him down. Movement in my peripheral vision had me turning to my right and what I saw stopped my breath. Casper was running toward me.

In the confusion of the fight I hadn't linked him to warn him not to come to the house like we'd planned. We were supposed to be working on his fighting skills again and then we were going out for something to eat, but now he was in the middle of something that he really wasn't prepared for. He'd come a long way in his fighting skills but his fear still took over at times. 

I ran to Casper, avoiding fallen enemies and reached him just as a snarling enemy jumped on his back and sank his teeth into the scruff of his neck. Casper howled and tried to shake the wolf off. I saw red and attacked the unfamiliar wolf. I ripped him to pieces and left him where he fell. Casper was fighting with a grey wolf and holding his own, now that he wasn't being caught unaware.

~Baby you need to get out of here.~ I linked him.

~No. I'm staying and fighting with you it's my fault that these wolves are attacking you.~ He growled.

~No it's not! These wolves are here looking for Mouse, but it's not his fault either. You get assholes in all walks of life Casper.~ I crouched as a wolf jumped through the air aiming for my side and he sailed over me before hitting the ground hard and rolling over. He got to his feet snarling. 

I met the wolf head-on. We fought viciously, teeth snapping and tearing fur and flesh. Sharp nails ripped down my side and I used the pain to fuel me. I managed to get under him and ripped at his soft underbelly, bringing him down. I clamped my teeth around his windpipe and bit down finishing him off.

I turned and saw my worst fears realized. 

Casper was on the ground covered in blood with a very large wolf standing over him, teeth bared and ready to kill. I pounded the earth with my paws rushing to get to him in time. The wolf looked up in surprise but it was too late for him. I ripped out his throat and turned to check over Casper. There was blood everywhere but I couldn't see where it was coming from. 

I shifted and lifted him into my arms. I ran back to the house, burst through the door and jogged down to the infirmary. A man I didn't recognize opened a door for me and ushered me inside with Casper. "Who are you?" I demanded, holding my mate closer and away from a potential threat.

"I'm James Laramie, I'm a pack doctor. I was called in to help out. Please put your friend on the table and I'll examine him." He indicated to the exam table and turned to pull on some latex gloves with a resounding snap.

"Mate," I growled.

He turned and cast an examining look over both of us. "I see. Then I'll have to ask you to step outside so I can examine him without interference. I won't risk you snapping my head off because my examination might hurt him."

"No! I'm not leaving him." I cuddled Casper close and backed toward the door.

Doctor Laramie sighed. "Do you want me to help him?"

"Of course," I spat in outrage.

"Then let me do my job and go wait outside." 

"He's a good doctor Austin, let him take care of your mate," our pack doctor said from behind me.

I nodded feeling defeated. I didn't want to leave Casper's side but I knew if I stayed I'd go crazy on the doctor if he so much as made him whimper. I gently lay him down and took a step back. 

"Come on," the doctor pulled me from the room. "I need to get back to my patients, I just came out to see what all the shouting was about. Doctor Laramie will be out to tell you how Casper is." He pushed me into a chair and walked away.

I sat there for what seemed like an age watching others being taken into various exam rooms. I'd heard fighting upstairs and had linked Bram to warn him that there were wolves in the house. He'd linked me back and told me that it was under control and to stay with Casper. It wasn't long after that, that a message resounded through the pack link. ~Your former Alpha, Damien Hunt, has fallen. His body is being taken to his room.~

I closed my eyes tightly, the entire pack would be in mourning for Damien. He'd been a great Alpha and he would be missed. 

"You can come in and sit with him now," Doctor Laramie said. I opened my eyes and found him standing in the doorway of Casper's room.

"How is he?" I asked walking quickly over to the bed. Casper was once again in his human form and appeared to be sleeping. I stroked my hand over his hair smoothing it back from his peaceful face.

"He's doing well. Most of the blood wasn't even his so I assume there's an enemy wolf, or two, out there with some serious injuries. However he did have three very deep gashes, two on his left side and one on his underbelly. I cleaned the wounds and stitched him up, I gave him a sedative to let him rest so his natural healing abilities will speed up his recovery. I'll go and check on a few other patients while you sit with him.

I sat with Casper for hours just watching his chest rising and falling. I'd been so scared when I saw him laying on the ground with blood soaking his fur. I'd imagined the worst and I'd felt my heart breaking. I loved Casper. I hadn't known him very long but he'd made his way under my skin and now he was well and truly cocooned in my heart.

"Austin?" Casper's voice sounded strained. 

"I'm here, Casper. You scared me baby." I took his hand, kissed the back of it and smiled at him.

"I killed one," he said smiling drunkenly. The drugs must still have been in his system.

"That's good, you did really well." 

""I didn't see him coming." A tear ran down the side of Casper's face and disappeared into his hair.

"Don't cry." I wiped away another tear and cupped his cheek in my hand. He leaned into me and closed his eyes. "You're going to be fine, I got to you in time."

"Thank you." A set of tear reddened eyes opened and looked pleadingly into mine. "Will you hold me?"

I wouldn't have denied him even if I could, instead I moved around behind him and got onto the bed. I carefully folded him in my arms and he rested his head on my shoulder. "Try to sleep some more, I'll be here when you wake up." I kissed his forehead and soon his breathing leveled out as he gave into sleep.

The door cracked open behind me and I turned my head. Bram was looking around the door so I gestured for him to come in. "He's just gone back to sleep," I whispered.

"How is he? I was surprised to hear he was in the fight." Bram pulled over the hard plastic seat from the corner of the room and sat beside the bed facing me.

"He'll heal, he has a lot of stitches but no serious wounds. I heard about your father, I'm very sorry."

"Thanks, Austin. It's all still surreal, then my mom..." He shook his head. "I needed to get away for a few moments." 

"You know if you need to talk, I'm here," I offered.

"Thanks, I suppose I better go back upstairs. Jason will be wondering where I've gone. Don't forget the council will be arriving tomorrow." He stood and patted my shoulder, "If either of you need anything let me know."

"Thank you Bram." I watched him leave and then cuddled closer to Casper.

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