Chapter Seventeen - Traitors

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Casper's POV

My mate was reluctant to leave me and our son alone but he had no choice. There were traitors within the pack and he was needed. The Alpha had captured one of the traitors. He and Mitch had been holding Jacob hostage. 

From what I was told by Emery Nathan, the traitor, had a daughter named Gina who had believed herself to be Bram's mate. She wouldn't listen to him when he tried to explain that they were not mates and she's turned rogue over time. When Gina had escaped from captivity she'd attacked Bram and several others. The attack had ended with her death. Nathan Jones must have plotted against Bram as a form of revenge for his daughter's death but the man was so far refusing to speak. 

Felix, a member of the Guard was missing and presumed a traitor. He'd been put in charge of supervising the human, Owen, but he'd treated him like a suspect. He'd questioned him relentlessly and even threatened bodily harm if he didn't answer the hoard of questions aimed at him. 

When Austin had gone to check on Owen he'd excused Felix from the room and that had been the last anyone had seen of him. Austin and Bram had left three hours ago to check out Felix's house. It couldn't take that long surely, I was beginning to worry.

I was in my apartment with Jimmy and a Guard named Benny was standing watch over us, literally. I knew there were a handful of Guards around the property outside too, under Austin's orders.

"Is it okay if I phone William and say goodnight before I go to bed?" Jimmy looked at me pleadingly from his seat on the couch. 

"You just saw him a few hours ago." 

"I know but I never said goodnight." He blushed and looked away.

I rolled my eyes at the teenager. Did he think he was fooling me? I'd been a teenager once too and I knew he wanted to call his mate and say more than goodnight. "Okay, you can use the phone in my bedroom." I watched him spring from the couch and run to my bedroom.

"You should both stay together in one room so I can watch over you," Benny said.

"Do you really want to listen to a couple of teenage mates making kissing noises at each other? Cause I don't." I walked into the kitchen and turned on the coffee maker. I needed something to do before I ended up biting all of my nails off. "Would you like a cup of coffee?" I stretched up to the cupboard and took down a cup for myself while I waited for his reply.

"Yes, thank you." His voice came from the doorway. He was like a shadow, always following at a slight distance but never far away.

I moved to the sink and ran the tap to rinse out the mugs before use. I looked up and through the small window above the sink. An old Mustang was sitting across the street with blacked out windows. I'd never seen blacked out windows on a car in this town before so my suspicions were immediately raised. I peered through the dark night trying to make out if there was anyone in the car but even with my heightened vision I couldn't see anything or anyone inside. 

"What's wrong?" I jumped and dropped the mug I'd been holding in the sink. thankfully it didn't break. I'd forgotten Benny was in the room with me.

"Nothing, probably just me being silly." I tried to laugh it off and poured two cups of coffee. I turned to ask Benny if he wanted milk and sugar but he was looking out the window with narrowed eyes.

"I've asked the others to check it out," he told me.

I moved closer to look out with him. I noticed two of the Guard moving closer to the Mustang and before they even reached the bumper the car shot out of it's parking spot and sped down the street. The car's lights only turned on as it turned the corner. "I will need to inform Bram of this," Benny said.

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