Chapter Seven - Stupid Mistakes

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A/N: Okay, so I always said this story was going to be a short one but it's started taking on a life of its own and is starting to become longer than planned. I'm just going to roll with it.

On the plus side, a lot of things from the previous books are going to be explained throughout this one. You've already learned from the previous chapter that Jason's abduction was related to Maurice and his pack. Remember the rogue attack just before he was taken? Maurice's pets used as a distraction! Keep watching out for more links...

I'm dedicating this chapter to @TroyTurner35 who has found his Mr. Right. :)

Casper's POV

It felt good to get back to work and I found the bakery busier than usual with a lot of people coming in to ask if everything was okay and make sure that I wasn't planning to close down permanently. Some of the men working on the new apartment buildings a block over came in on their breaks for some things to eat. 

Dominic had been on time this morning and Becky hadn't taken any extended breaks, both were worried about their jobs. I'd given up on trying to reassure them that they weren't about to be fired.

"Casper, there's someone on the phone for you," Becky said peering around the door to the kitchen.

"Okay, can you put out more of those apple turnovers? They're a big mover today," I asked walking past her. Austin had promised to call me today so I was hoping that was him on the phone and not a supplier calling about a problem with a delivery.

I wiped my hands on my apron and picked up the phone receiver. "Hello?"

"Casper, you've been avoiding me." My hands shook at the sound of his voice and I worried that my legs wouldn't hold me upright. "I hear you've found yourself a plaything in Wolf's Peak," Maurice made a tutting noise, "you know I don't share my toys, love."

"Don't call me love, you're not capable of the emotion." I yelled and slammed the phone down. My vision blurred and I could hear my blood rushing through my ears drowning everything else out like white noise.

The next thing I knew Austin was leaning over me calling out my name but his voice sounded much farther away than it should. "What?" I frowned trying to concentrate on him.

"I asked if you needed the doctor?" Austin repeated.

"Oh," I said shaking my head to clear it. "No, no I'm fine."

Austin put his arm around me picking me up off the floor and I shivered in his arms. "I'm sorry, I know you don't like being touched," he apologized.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it."

"I know, don't apologize." Austin paused outside my apartment door and I pushed it open for him. He walked to the couch and set me down on it before stepping back and crouching down to talk to me.

"I heard the phone call so I know what happened, I rushed over here as quick as I could."

"You heard it? How?"

"I put a tap on your phone. You said you were getting calls from him but turned your cell off so I had a feeling he might start calling your work number," Austin explained.

"You tapped my phone?" I asked outraged.

"I need to know what we're dealing with Casper. I won't apologize for doing everything I can to keep you safe. Speaking of which, I want you to start training with the Guard. You need to be able to protect yourself too and it might make you feel safer to know that you can do that," Austin offered.

"I don't know," I said. I wasn't much of a fighter, my wolf had even been beaten into submission over the years with Maurice. Maybe it would do me good to get some of that confidence and self-control back by learning to stand up and fight for myself. "Will you be there with me?"

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