Chapter Ten - Breakthrough

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Casper's POV

I hummed happily, pressing biscuits out of the biscuit press. I'd gotten an order for a wedding cake today and I'd order extra ingredients for it as well as decorations. I would love to make the flowers and clay dough bride and groom myself but they were very time consuming so they would be coming from one of my suppliers. I'd also been asked to supply the local B&B with fresh bread, rolls, biscuits and an assortment of pastries. Things were looking good for my little bakery.

The bell over the door tinkled, Mark was in charge of the counter today so I concentrated on what I was doing. "It's someone for you, boss." Mark yelled from his place behind the counter. I sighed and wiped my hands on my apron out of habit, they weren't messy yet.

"Mark I told you not to yell in the shop." I scolded him walking into the front of the bakery. I smiled at the sight of Austin and ran to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Hi."

"Hello, you seem happy to see me today." He wrapped his arms loosely around me and I felt bad because I knew it was because he didn't want me to feel scared. I didn't feel threatened by Austin, in fact I felt safer with him than I could remember ever feeling with anyone else.

"I'm always happy to see you. Mark," I said over my shoulder. "When Austin calls you can let him come in back."

"Sure thing." Mark nodded.

I took Austin's hand and led him upstairs to my apartment. I went to the kitchen to pour us both some water and returned to find him sitting on the couch with his arms spread over the back. I set our glasses on the table in front of us and cuddled into Austin's side. "I wasn't expecting you."

"I hope you don't mind me surprising you like this, we had an incident at the pack house earlier and I wanted to make sure you were alright." He stroked over my head with one of his big hands. "I would have come anyway, I can't seem to stay away from you for very long." 

"Good because I don't like you staying away from me." I leaned over and kissed Austin letting my lips linger against his. I locked eyes with him and smiled against his lips then wrapped my hand around his nape and pulled him closer. My lips parted and my tongue tangled with his. I moaned and let my eyes drift shut. I didn't feel that instant panic that used to set in before when I thought of being close to someone, so I grew brave and shifted my position to straddle him. Austin grunted beneath me and let his hands sit, unmoving, on my waist. I tangled my hands in his hair and tugged his head back to give me more room to explore his sweet tasting mouth. 

Austin turned his head to the side gasping for air so I trailed kisses along his jaw and down the tempting column of his neck and nipped at his pulse point. "You're killing me Casper," Austin panted.

"I'm not trying to kill you," I told him between kisses. "But you're killing me, please move your hands. Touch me!" I moved his hands lower to cup my ass, hopefully that gave him some clue as to what I wanted. 

"Are you sure?" Austin looked up at me, confusion clear on his face. "I'm not trying to push you into anything you're not ready for Casper."

"I'm not sure how far I'll be comfortable in going, but I want to explore my limits with you. I want to be with you Austin and it's killing me that I've been too frightened to try."

"If you feel uncomfortable with anything I do, or you want to stop then we'll stop. I promise, we'll stop." Austin brushed a strand of hair away from my face and waited for me to nod in reply, then he pulled me close and kissed me with more passion than I ever thought existed.

My back hit the couch with Austin pressed up against me and I moaned happily. The only thing that would make this better was both of us naked, but I wasn't sure if I was ready for that yet without freaking out on him.

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